Work Text:
Theo couldn't keep saying no to the pack's invitations to hang out with them, so he found himself at the sinema with Liam, Mason and Corey to get Liam to shut up about never showing up. Also, a night out would do no harm to him and was certainly more exciting than plucking his eyebrows in the rear-view mirror of his car with tweezers that he once stole from Deaton. No one could ever know that this was his original plan of spending his Saturday night. Yet, here he was, standing at the bar while the others were busy dancing in the crowd. Of course, he kept a close eye on Liam this whole time so that he wouldn't leash out on the dancefloor or whatever. No other reason.
He ordered himself another glass of whiskey, even though it had no effect on him except for a slight burning sensation that was left in his throat, which he enjoyed. Suddenly he overheard some dude saying, "Yeah, I'm totally going to make a move on that small guy over there" while pointing in Liam's direction.
That sparked anger in Theo. He really felt in the mood to beat someone up now. Theo told himself it was because of the way that guy said it and not who he said it about. Plausible. So he approached the guy, grabbed him by his collar and yanked him outside into an alleyway. He shifted and growled at him in a warning manner and to his surprise the random lemme-hit-on-that-small-guy-stranger also began to shift. Fuck.
In the next second fists were thrown around and they were rolling on the floor. Theo couldn't think, he just tried to beat the shit out of him as best as he could. He was about to rip some of that werewolf's ugly fur out when he heard someone calling his name.
"Theo, what the fuck are you doing?," Liam intervined and tore the two fighting boys apart. Then, he also punched the unfamiliar werewolf to knock him out.
"Care to explain who this is and why you were trying to kill each other?," Liam asked.
"He's waking up, let's just run," Theo answered, since he couldn't explain to Liam what had been going on because he didn't know himself why he reacted that way or rather didn't want to confront his feelings.
So now Liam and Theo were running deep into the woods, hopefully far enough so the other werewolf wouldn't catch up.
Then they a hit a dead end, the lake.
"Seriously?,"Theo asked out of breath.
"Let's just swim to the other side."
"We can make it."
"No Liam, let's just-"
"What? Turn around and walk right into his arms. I really don't want to get into a fight today, Theo. Come onnnn or are you afraid of water or something?"
Theo didn't answer that one.
"Oh my god, Theo Raeken is afraid of water!"
"Liam, we really don't have time to talk about my deepest secrets, so let's just hide in that bush and try to be as quiet as possible."
Liam still had a smug smile on his face from getting something right about Theo and was too distracted to move, so Theo took him by his wrist and dragged him, which felt a little too familiar.
Theo managed to keep a calm and steady heartbeat and well, at least Liam's heart didn't sound like it was beating out of his chest like it normally did.
Funny, Theo thought to himself, how he always ended up in situations like these and somehow Liam was always with him, right by his side. It was always Theo and Liam, Liam and Theo, partners or werewolfs in crime, as Liam would say and to his own surprise Theo hoped that it will always stay this way. Suddenly, Theo's thoughts were interrupted by a strange noise.
"Liam, did you just...fart?"
"You know I can tell when you're lying."
"Sorry, I fart when I'm nervous."
"Then stop being nervous!"
"Well thank you, Theo, I hadn't thought about that-
Oh god, I bet the smell gives away where we are, stupid heightened senses," Liam whisper-shouted.
"Believe me, even Mason can smell you right now and he's still at the sinema. And human."
Theo just sighed.
A few minutes went by and the other werewolf never showed up, so it wasn't that serious after all. Hence, they made their way back.
"Oh man, so I farted for nothing!"
"Liam, just shut up."
"Are you going to tell me why you got caught up in that fight in the first place?," Liam finally asked.
"Nope," Theo didn't even want to admit it to himself.
"Atleast one good thing came out of this, we both know each other's embarrassing secret now: You're afraid of water and I have flatulences when I'm stressed."
"Wow Liam, I think that might have been the smartest word I have ever heard you say," Theo said and couldn't help but smile a little.