Work Text:
Title: For This You Were Born
Footage: The Expanse
Chrisjen Avasarala and Camina Drummer rise, fall, and meet in the middle.
Title: For This You Were Born
Footage: The Expanse
Starshower, greylilac, Blackpaw29, bobbiewickham, rukbat3, aworldinside, Endeni, Avengerbunny, a_phasia, Teuthida, whale_in_space, thestarsapart, kira_katrine, marah_sarie, colls, fiercynn, jmarrero16, sandalwoodbox, Beatrice_Otter, Vita_sine_fantasy_mors_est, felisnocturna, chickwriter, reginasbread, starlady, AurumCalendula, runawaynun, valoise, Impala_Chick, Selena, cupidsbow, Josette_Arnauld, livrelibre, winged_mammal, sasha_feather, glitterprolixious, DrGlam, swizzlespoon, thiswildernessismyhome, eruthros, thingswithwings, RevolutionaryJo, and icarus_chained as well as 3 guests left kudos on this work!