Work Text:
Title: Black Butterfly
Artist: Laura Veirs
Footage: The Expanse
Clarissa Mao's transforms from bauble to monster to quiet force for good.
Title: Black Butterfly
Artist: Laura Veirs
Footage: The Expanse
Starshower, gillyrosh, Blackpaw29, water_bby, sternenschnuppendrachenschicksal, Avengerbunny, balsamandash, InexplicableSatsuma, colls, fiercynn, glitterprolixious, sandalwoodbox, valoise, chickwriter, Berkman, Selena, yourlibrarian, DrGlam, Impala_Chick, Januarium, swizzlespoon, bironic, sasha_feather, livrelibre, felisnocturna, caramarie, AurumCalendula, icarus_chained, runawaynun, thiswildernessismyhome, eruthros, thingswithwings, RevolutionaryJo, and girlmercury as well as 2 guests left kudos on this work!