Collections including Serpent Neck Sweater
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(Open, Moderated)
Twelvetide Drabbles 2022 (TwelvetideDrabbles2022) by TwelvetideMagistra (elizajane), elizajane
08 Jan 2023
Welcome to year eight of the Twelvetide Drabbles Challenge! This is an annual fourteen-day drabble challenge to keep our spirits up and raise money for a social justice cause during the holiday season. Fanfic, fanart, and multi-media submissions in all fandoms are welcome.
The collection is now closed. Watch your inboxes for the final stats!
To receive daily prompts, stats, and more delivered directly to your inbox during the challenge, subscribe to the Twelvetide Drabbles Tinyletter.
This year's prompts are ...
12/24: Hat
12/25: Scarf
12/26: Socks
12/27: Shoes or boots
12/28: Sweater
12/29: Gloves or mittens
12/30: Coat
12/31: Mask
1/1: Necklace
1/2: Apron
1/3: Shirt
1/4: Trousers
1/5: Bathrobe
1/6: Pajamas(Closed, Unmoderated)