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[Podfic] From the Bargain Bin


“Apparently, they were really popular briefly but soon hit the…what did Senator Amidala’s Handmaidens call it?” Trapper asked, looking over at Longshot and Crys.
Crys grinned and lounged back against his chair.
“The Bargain Bin,” he replied. “And most people have forgotten they exist, so they are readily available because they’re cheap!”
Somehow, that made it so much worse.
“And that’s how you found them? This…bargain bin?” Obi-Wan asked, resigned, as he eyed the pile of holovid discs on the caf table.

Podfic of From the Bargain Bin by wanderingjedihistorian.


I'd like to apologize because the audio quality in this is... not the best. But I had a ton of fun recording.

Work Text:


  • Length: 00:11:21 minutes
  • File type: MP3 (9.75 MB)

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