List of Bookmarks
Just a few imaginary one shot includind the grid dads of F1, Jenson, Sebastian, Fernando and Kimi. None of them are related and can all be read on their own. This is my interpration of the kind of dads they could be.
Sebastian is the sweet and caring dad that will be there for you no matter what. He will not push you to do anything you don't want or try to tell you how to deal with anything. However, if your decisions turn out to be a mistake, he will wrap you up in a warm blanket and make you a hot chocolate.
Kimi is the one that pretend nothing bothers him and that ''he doesn't care'' but will be the one to hold conversation for hours to give you some insight about anything.
Jenson will be the overprotective dad that will be ready to sneakly make anybody who hurts you pay. He will also be the first one ready to throw fist at anybody who hurts you no matter who they are.
Fernando is like the cool uncle. He will play prank with you on everybody else but will pretend to scold you if you get catch with a smirk on his face.
These are just my interpretation of what they would be like. Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong. Who knows