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Tommy Warneki & Robin Crew


Fanart of Tommy Warneki and Robin Crew from the 1986 movie "Flying"

Or "Dream to Believe".


I had a reader hoping for a new Tommy fic, but while I can't grant that wish until I think up a new plot, I can give this art as a Christmas present.

Thanks geacola96 for your continued interest in this series. I know you love Tommy/Robin and I hope this is okay. I haven't been feeling the greatest, very bad dizziness and upset stomach, and also needed to go out during a snowstorm, so those are my excuses. Please enjoy as much as you can!

Merry Christmastime! :D <3

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:


Dear Keanu;

I'm a little confused.

It's the reason why yesterday's update did not contain a letter.

I looked into my heart what felt best to do and whenever I thought of it, posting Heaver's colorized version but without a letter seemed best. That one felt the most right, you'd know I was still here, but that I didn't feel like writing, and so I went with it.

I spent so many days, since Christmas Eve Eve just writing nonstop it felt. Even Christmas I spent writing because the Christmas Eve story took so long. Then, because the clock stopped working, Tara and I slept in on Christmas Day, which meant I had to write even longer to make up for it and get the story done in time, because if you look at these, I didn't want to disappoint you by getting your Christmas present to you too late...

But then, when there was nothing, I told myself that you were with your family and they lock you inside of the house with them for the complete holidays.

Then, I dunno, maybe they lock all your phones away for 72 hours on top of it.

Because the same thing happened last year: nothing.

Then, even on Boxing Day, when I needed a break, because I was exhausted and also needed to shovel, I still wrote something for it.

And there was still no acknowledgement of the hard work I had put in or the accomplishment.

And then I saw, thanks to twitter still sending me notifications from your fanpage I don't follow, that some guy ran into you on the 26th while you were out on your bike.

So you weren't held captive inside with your relatives.

And then I also saw a story of them saying how wholesome you are because some guy, while you were taking the photograph with the other dude, was filming you over his shoulder and you stopped to look at the camera.

Now how that is wholesome I have no idea. I think they need to swiftly reacquaint themselves with a dictionary. It was funny and amusing but wholesome has to do with health and morals, not quite the same thing.

Betty Crocker is wholesome.

A glass of milk is wholesome.

You, my friend, are not exactly wholesome, nor was that clip.

And then I didn't realize it before, but they said you stopped to do it while in the midst of having a conversation. And then I put the sound up and it was about when John Wick 4 was coming out...

Which turned it essentially into a commercial.

Another thing which would make "wholesome" not quite the word I would use.

Convenient maybe.

What with John Wick 4 being released in a few months and a few places saying the promotion for it has been kicked up a few notches.

But this only added to my confusion.

Plus, the BRZRKR Kickstarter campaign had said when issue #11 was sent digitally to the backers it would have a holiday surprise. Now they had mentioned this before they'd announced that the one time shipping backers would be getting their two volumes early, so this had me worried. I had been counting on getting that issue and finding out if the early shipment had been the surprise they were talking about before Christmas, at least, but I'm still waiting.

So now I'm just worried that was the gift they were talking about so it didn't really have anything to do with you.

That it was all my silly hope and imagination.

So, are you really here???

I reread BRZRKR #11 in the meantime and I have to be honest...

I didn't really like it.

I didn't want to say that before but after reading it again I think I really need to.

I haven't loved it in a long time, but that was possibly the worst it has been.

And I really don't want to hurt your feelings, I am so sorry, my dearest friend, if this does.

Are you still writing it? I'm kind of hoping you don't have much of anything to do with it at this point, because it has gone so downhill from how great it all started off. I'm trying to understand why Matt and you thought it should go for 12 issues when it's been stretched terribly thin.

I know that I'm guilty of that too but I am blatantly trying to write you letters here, that's my excuse, so I use every trick in my book to stretch them out another day, if I can.

Except for yesterday, where I didn't include a letter...

Because I was confused.

And hurt.

But I still love you.

All my love forever,
:/ <3