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[Podfic of] Your lips, a magic world (your sky, all hung with jewels)


“You’re fucking hilarious. You’re lucky you’re cute,” Eddie says, flicking Steve lightly on the forehead and following the gesture with a soft kiss. “But as I was saying. Chrissy, your mom sounds like a real bitch.”

Eddie says it so casually but with so much venom that Chrissy can’t help it. She laughs out loud, not even one of those soft, cutesy, lady-like laughs she’s spent so much time practicing. An actual cackle. So loud and shrill that she actually covers her mouth, shocked and slightly mortified. “I’m s—”

“Chrissy Cunningham, if the next words out of your mouth are ‘I’m sorry,’ we might have a problem.”

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Length: 16:24 for this podfic, 2:26:48 for the series
