Work Text:
Severus had heard whispered tales about the sort of things what the upper classes got up to, but he’d been awfully skeptical even as a little kid
Lucius, for his part, resolved to start implementing elocution lessons at once, if only to spare himself from further horrendous mental images
Initially posted on Tumblr on February 23, 2022
Sunset_Sky_Rose, Mrryfry1863, Midorifanic, Peilin, LibertyRoswell, Little_Red_Riding_Hoodie, picklesonsaturday, IAmTheMelonLord, Izuryuu, Sparrow_In_Flight, LoveBejita82, AceAxel620, unfittingpuzzlepieces, 1933348, bulletproof_dorks, MeowMeowing, RainaRahl, Insommnicat, cheerynoir, ThatDemonMurphy, melrilielen, Peach_Fist, Lia_Radcliffe, felldownthelist, Krispykitty, Ballad_Of_Firefly, planar_snark, MetalForest37, unapologeticallyapologeticgadfly13, industandstarlight, itsamenat, ThatTreeThere, Lovelykoalas707, ead01, Domstrikes, Yuuu888, Ret578, Willows_stand, PrettyPinkCupcake, BlackRavenIV, Meow_mEow_meOw_meoW, Melli0110, Sblumph, effervescenttension1183, Howl_to_the_Moon, Fenir, invisible_is_me, dollettecigss, intemporel, TumblingBackpacks, and 48 more users as well as 29 guests left kudos on this work!
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