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Between you and me


Akito has to go back to school at night to retrieve something for their presentation tomorrow. Tired and grumpy, the ginger hopes for his trip to be quick and simple. What he doesn't know is that fate has other plans for him tonight, and a bizarre encounter gives the boy a chance to help and better understand a certain someone he never ever imagined being with.

"I'm here because An is stupid and forgot our prop in her classroom, that girl..."
"You have a show tomorrow? Can I go!?"
"Stop averting the question. Why did I found your sleepy ass in a dark closet on a friday night?"


Hello!! Just a heads up, Akito curses kind of a lot in the story. I tagged it but still worth mentioning here. There's some explicit vocabulary in that regard, just swears though.
Also! There is a part were the characters talk about the idea of 'disappearing', nothing graffic but could be interpreted as a heavy theme, so please proceed with caution!

(This is the obligatory 'english is not my first language' warning ;~; It's also my first fic in english too, I hope you can enjoy it!!)

(EDIT: OMG MY SIS MADE FANART FOR THE FIC AND I JUST AHHH!!!! It's beautiful I love it!! So now there's fanart!!)

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

It was late. Way too late for anybody being on his way to school. The cold of the night persisted on his skin, relentlesly sweeping through his favorite jacket. Akito knew he had to get another one eventually but didn't want to let go. Not yet.


He had to call the school before coming, aparently it was part of the policy. Genuinely one of the most embarrasing things he's done lately. He could still hear the anger on the poor night guard's voice while apologetically asking for permission, 'I left something very important, you see!'.

It was not his fault An forgot part of the prop for tomorrow's morning event, but of course he was the one who had to retrieve it. Her stupid voice continued to play in his mind asking for the favour. She was right though, he lived closer to the school that any of them, and he did feel uneasy with the idea of the girls walking alone so late at night. Guess he was the only choice...


It wasn't so bad anyways. The lack of noise on the street put his mind on ease, made it easier to think. The presentation rehersal replayed on his mind, his lips whistling the song to the beat of his hand. He knew they were going to ace it, they worked really hard the past month perfecting their vocals and dance number and he was honestly proud of how far they've come. Yes, even his own progress.

Akito still strugled a bit with his self-esteem, guess it's something that runs in the family. It was hard coming to terms with his own abilities every time he saw his teammates getting better. It was not jelousy really, more like... worthlessness...

But he knew now that every one struggles with their own demons, especially An as of late. And it was okay, because they had each other to make their team stronger, and anyone who wanted to say anything else could kiss thei-

Hey, he finally arrived at the school gates!


The boy hastened his way to the guard, introducing himself one more time to the man. It seems his charms worked better face-to-face, the guard felt pleased with Akito's politeness (even though it was fake) and decided to let this one slide.

"Just let me know when you are leaving so I can close once again!"

He smiled and nodded before walking through the halls, hurrying his steps. This site gave him the creeps...


It felt weird going through a place with so much bustle being completely silent. He could imagine those noisy second years scheming another one of their dumb plans while in the courtyard, Tsukasa's voice booming through the windows. He had to admit it made his school days way more interesting, albeit a bit tiresome. It was nice as long as he wasn't involved. He still didn't know how to interact with those two, especially the blond. Really... did he have an off button or something? How was he so energetic all the time?!


The 1-A classroom door welcomed him as the boy got a hold of the item. A yawn escaped his throat, he was more tired than he thought. That girl owed him big time! Can't believe she forgot something so important, it was the only thing that-!

Someone's here.


A weird feeling started spreading through his spine, every chill on his body reminding his brain that something was not right. The boy did not feel unsafe per se, but he swore he heard something upstairs just now.

He really wanted to let this one go, say goodbye to the night guard and call it a day... But his insticts urged the boy to at least check. Maybe someone was in trouble. Just who the hell could be at school at this hour, hidding to say the least?!

After a minute of internal conflict Akito reluctantly decided to see if anyone needed help, maybe there truly was an emergency.


With the prop safely in his bag the teen made his way to the stairs, each step creacking and making the ambience way spokier for his liking. I swear...

He came to a halt as another sound resonated in the hall. It sounded like... a snore...? That... can't be right. What idiot would fall asleep in this place?

With his mind a touch calmer, he snooped throughout the second year's windows, but found no one.

He was about to go the rooftop when a voice quivered just a short distance from him, it came from the broom wardrobe.


Anger rushed through his hands as he forcefully opened the tiny room, he just wanted to go home, damnit! He did not have time to play these stupid games!


Of course it was Tsukasa. Of fucking course.

The older teen almost jumped to the ceiling as he was unceremoniously waken, his knee hitting one of the brooms and falling in his head, a yelp escaping the boy's lips.


Akito was tempted to close the door again and ignore the last ten seconds of his life, but he was a good guy –or so they said– he had to at least see if Tenma was okay. He knew his senpai always got in strange 'wonderhoy' shenanigans, but something about seeing him alone in a broom closet at a closed school was disconcerting, even for him.


"Oh, my wonderful kouhai!"

Ah jeez, he got out of his stupor.


Akito finally decided to regard the companion at his feet. Tsukasa was sitting on the floor, his back resting in a shelf and his legs trying to fit between the small space of the closet. Was he sleeping like that? It looks very uncofortable. There was a paper on his right hand, probably one of his troupe scripts. He could see a lot of annotations and highlights at the margins, maybe he was having problems with it?


Giving credit where it's due, Akito's always been impressed by how quickly his superior memorized... everything: plays, homework, birthdays, his friends interests. It was fascinating seeing the boy coming with the weirdest but earnest gifts. He was (un)lucky enough to be part of his friend list, recieving pancake-shaped headphones for his 16 birthday. (If anyone asked he never even got them out of the box. In reality, the headphones were laying on his room desk, a bit torned of use. He hated to admit it but he really loved them.)

Some time ago though he heard from Toya that Tsukasa had a hard time remembering things from his past. He even forgot the reason he wanted to become a star, said the blue-haired boy one afternoon after their rehersal. That certainly sounded concerning, perhaps his superior was more than meets the eye, just not in a good way... His happiness sometimes seemed kind of fake, his smile almost too tight.

And that was the exact expression he was making now. He was right to come check, Tsukasa was not okay but he was determined to fix... whatever was happening in this wardrobe and finally go home.


"...kito? Hey, are you okay? OH, I SEE, YOU GOT ASTOUNDED BY MY PRE-"

"Senpai, what are you doing here?"


His harsh tone made the older teen stop dead in his tracks. He looked as if trying to come up with an excuse, eyes glancing everywhere but the boy at the door. He was about to open his mouth when the ginger beat him to it.


"Don't be an ass, tell me the truth."

"Huh?! But I haven't even said anything!"

"You tap your fingers when you lie."


Tsukasa bowed his head, his gaze lowered to his left hand that was in fact tapping his legs to a rhythm, imaginary piano notes playing on his mind. His expression fell as his other hand crumpled the script, a little ashamed of getting caught so easily. He wanted to refute, to be angry, but all it came from his lips was a trembling question.

"How do you know that?"


There was an unusual vulnerability in his eyes, and for the first time Akito could sense this was the real Tsukasa. Not a boisterous classmate or an annoying superior but a kid just like any other, with problems and sadness in his heart.

It lasted no more than a second before the blond returned to his original (or fabricated...?) personality, his voice making the poor underclassmen cringe at the volume.


"Anyways! The real question is what are YOU doing here! Shouldn't you be with your team at this time?"

Tsukasa deflected the last statement with a thunderous query of his own and a lifted finger in front of Akito's face.


The aforomentioned blew out quite the long sigh before making up his mind. With resolve in his eyes, the teen closed the door and moved closer to his friend, settling down beside him, surprise rising in his companion's expression.

He was genuinely curious and a little worried about everything going on and decided he would not leave this room until he found out what was worrying Tsukasa. If he wanted to find the truth he should ask his questions right, he didn't want the blond to bolt before he told him what happened.


They were shoulder to shoulder now, their legs touching and barely fitting in the enclosure of the wardrobe. If he concentrated he could hear the second year's heartbeat, his blood pulsing were their limbs met. Tsukasa was running hot, and Akito resisted the urge to lay his head on his shoulder. What the hell am I thinking? But it was so cold outside, being here with the teen was surprisingly nice.

For a moment they were just staring at each other, and Akito swore he saw a blush creeping through the blond's neck. His eyes already got used to the darkness and were studying the other's face. Tsukasa's lips wore a worried line, his eyes big with a hint of shyness, and Akito found out he liked this side of him and wanted to see more.

Before the moment got too akward he decided to clear his throat and speak.


"It's almost midnight, why the hell would I be with the guys."

"Almost WHAT?"

He rapidly took the phone out of his pocket, confirming with a shout his friend was right.


"I'm here because An is stupid and forgot our prop in her classroom, that girl..."

"You have a show tomorrow? Can I go!?"

"Stop averting the question. Why did I found your sleepy ass in a dark closet on a friday night?"


Silence answered his words.

He can play the long game, it was fine. Seeing the boy so quiet was weird though.


Tsukasa started playing with the hem of his sleeve, script forgotten at his side. His tiredness was making him ponder bizarre stuff, because he couldn't stop thinking what a nice view it was. God... it was Tsukasa for fuck's sake, why was he behaving like a school girl with a crush?!

Come to think of it, the older boy was always somewhere in his mind. After knowing him at the school festival and helping out at the wedding, Tsukasa's presence was always around. He's also been less bothersome lately, funnier to mess around too. Akito's been really enjoying his different reactions, always getting a laugh out of him. Something in their relationship shifted this couple of months, he actually now considers Tsukasa not an aquaintance but someone he can trust.


Maybe if he wanted to help his friend, he would have to let himself be vulnerable first. What an embarrasing thing to do. And even though he liked this strange side of the teen, he would rather see him smiling.

So cheesy...


"Don't make that face my dearest Akito! You don't need to worry about me!"

Was he making a face? Damn, he did not notice at all. He tried to change his expression to something more stern, still not talking.


"Ah... well! If you must know I will tell you! I was rehearsing for my role. This character's been somewhat difficult to tackle but I think I got the hang of it!"

His face looked so proud. For being this late at night he sure was lively.


Akito managed to rest his elbow on one of his knees, his face squished by his hand with a slightly attentive impression. Tsukasa did not move to give him space and were now closer than before.


"That doesn't explain why you're still here at school. Really... didn't you hear the bell? Even the night clases are already over."

"Time flies when you're acting! Honestly didn't know it was already this late."

His words sounded sincere, he was sleeping rather soundly before he opened the door.


"And you may be thinking what am I doing in the broom closet. That has a perfectly rational answer!"

Akito waited for his reply.


Tsukasa looked funny. His open mouth slowly closed as the seconds went on, the hand he used to emphasize his remark falling as his eyes darted between his face and the door (again. Was he really going to escape?) Eventually his hand got a hold of his underclassman shoulder, trying to convey a sense of camaderie that got lost in his friend, Akito wouldn't relent. Wait, is he making puppy eyes...?


"Agh FINE! I've been hiding so they wouldn't kick me out."

Yeah, that was what Akito thought.


"I was actually practicing at the rooftop, then all the lights when off so I thought the school was finally closing. But when I got to my classroom I heard the nightguard checking over the area and just hid in the first place I found. After a while I guess I got sleepy, it is rather warm in here." He sure is warm…

His tone went down as he finished his story, ending with a dramatic sigh. In a bold move, Tsukasa's whining ended up with the blond resting his head in his friend's shoulder, one arm hugging him from behind.

Akito was going insane.


At this distance he could feel the blond's hair in his face, a nice sent taking over his senses, why does he smell so nice?!

The older teen was babling some nonesense but Akito was not listening, too distracted by the whirr of his voice, a tickling sensation spreading from his shoulders to his head. The hand that was just standing at his back was now grasping his side while Tsukasa unconsciously drew circles with his thumb. Why was his senpai such a cuddly person?


The closet was getting too hot now, he could feel his hands getting clammy as his friend moved around him. C'mon, get it together! He had to admit that Tsukasa was an expert at changing the topic, the mood already shifting to something more casual, but he still felt that the blond was avoiding his worries.


"...and then Nene said that I was too 'serious' for the character when the other day she said I was acting too carefree! And Emu agreed! I don't get it, am I not understanding my role? Ugh..."


Akito had to try a few times before any words came out, his throat having a hard time carrying his thoughts.


"Do your friends know you're gossiping about them in a hidden closet?"

"Of course not! They were too busy today to hear any of my wo-!"

Tsukasa fell silent once again, his sentence interrumped by the weight of his words.



Maybe it was better not to respond and let the blond continue on his own, it seems eventually he'd spill out his aprehensions.


The older teen hid his face in Akito's shoulder, muffling his voice.


"It's nothing... Don't worry about it."

That phrase again...

He tried to move his head to peak at his friend's expression, but could only see strands of hair. At some point his other hand started squeezing his jacket, Akito understanding with his action how difficult it was for Tsukasa to admit he was having problems.


He was not really thinking when his hand suddenly started stroking his superior's hair, fingers running lazily through his rosy tips. It was so soft... Tsukasa's gasp broke through his friend daze, Akito almost letting go the moment he saw what his unconscious was doing. Yet he decided he was not going to stop, he was in too deep. Ah screw it. He seems to be enjoying it too.

Akito couldn't recall when was the last time he got this intimate with someone, maybe never. But something about the dark ambience and the boy in his arms made all his emotional barriers drop, vulnerability and sincerity finding a place in his heart. He found out he really didn't mind with him. Even if he did not want to, Tsukasa's always been there for him, whether it was by making him laugh or listening to his problems (those strange moments when the blond actually got a hold of his underclassman), or even just seeing him in his dumb shenanigans. Tsukasa had a way of getting into the ginger's heart, Akito realized he cared about him more than he initially thought.


"You know... If I didn't worry about you, I wouldn't be in a dusty closet at midnight with you."

A 'stroking your hair' went unsaid, but he felt Tsukasa understood his intent.



"It's stupid, really..."

"Nothing new with you."


They could hear footsteps nearby, probably the guard looking for Akito. They'd deal with that later.

Tsukasa's head shifted so he could see his friend, teary eyes staring back at him. He was not crying, he refused to look weak in front of his kouhai but couldn't hold his emotions on check.


"Saki's on a sleepover today. She told me in the morning before leaving she'd be staying at Honami's with her friends. I'm really happy she can do this type of things now, she never got the chance while in the hospital."

Ah, the Tenma sister. Akito didn't know a lot of her, only that Tsukasa loves her a lot. What a weird concept... having a good sibling relationship. Ena was a pain in the ass but loved her unconditionally, he can understand the blond's endearment, especially with her illness history.


"But then at lunch, our parents told us they were going to stay out tonight. They have a gathering outside of town, it is safer to sleep in a hotel than come home so late."

Akito could guess what the teen was hinting at, but still didn't get the issue.


"And I thought maybe Rui'd be free, but he's going out with Akiyama and I didn't want to intrude. Emu's having dinner with her family and Nene... Well, you know her."

He didn't actually, however he got the idea.


"You... don't want to be alone."

He heard a sigh coming from the boy's lips, his eyes closing so he didn't see what expression Akito was making.


The mood in the room changed once again. Both guys could feel the dread in the place, Tsukasa's voice whispering now, afraid of being heard.


"Not really fitting of a star... What kind of star would be sad over something so trivial?"


Hearing Tsukasa thinking so little of him made Akito's brain stop. It wasn't only the words, but the tone he used while talking about himself. Was this really the same guy that aclaimed his superior acting abilities? The one that continously tried again and again to make his dreams come true, who felt responsible to make his audience smile, the boy that no matter the consequences was always ready to go through Kamishiro's plans? All this time he's been holding a broken heart, a trembling soul who'd give everything for the world scared at the realization he too was allowed to have fears, to not be faultless. If this tiny flaw was enough for getting the blond to panic, what else was Tsukasa hiding inside?

One step at a time, Akito.


"The sad thing is... I don't even know where this... problem comes from. Saki said it's probably because of our childhood but... that was ages ago."

Tsukasa had to take a big breath before continuing, his voice breaking a little. "It's been so many years. I'm older now, I grew up. And then why... why do I still...?!"

The question got lost between the boys, Tsukasa's sobs breaking the silence.


This was bad, this is not what Akito wanted to have happened. This issue was beyond today's events, this was a problem deep inside Tsukasa's personality. On one hand, Akito was glad his senpai trusted him enough to the point of being able to cry in front of him. But maybe Tsukasa was at his breaking point, and Akito was the one that by coincidence got to be there to pick up the pieces.

It was scary, seeing a person that radiated so much confidence and happiness being so devastated. They didn't feel like the same person and at the same time, it made total sense. An exuberant personality hiding the very thing trying to show.

Whatever the case, Akito was not going to leave him until he felt better.


"Some months ago there was this guy who told me I fucking sucked at singing."

Perhaps it was the curse word or the idiotic timing of the comment, but it made Tsukasa's cries stop in an instant.

He didn't let the blond answer whatever he wanted to say, using a hand in his shoulder to stop him from getting up.


"I know, I know, he's an asshole and he was wrong. But for a while I was convinced he was right. I exhausted myself for weeks trying to better my singing to whatever level I thought my friends were at, impossible expectations and stuff. And I have to admit it felt... good at the moment. 'I am hurting myself so I must be doing something right, I must be making progress’."

Tsukasa's face reacted at his last words, understandment showing in his eyes. Maybe they weren't too different after all.


"Then I got to fight him again, and still lost. Everything I tried to achive those weeks, lost in an instant. I genuienly wanted to just... disappear that time."

It was hard admitting it, a feeling so terrifying that got a hold of his mind, that made him think unthinkable things. Akito never told this to anyone, not even Toya, he was too scared to see their reactions. Here in the dark he felt safe, a quiet moment between two kids lost in their expectations.


He felt his friend shifting his position, lifting up his head so he could see his underclassman properly. His eyes were full of sadness, a sadness directed at Akito and himself. But he could also see hope, knowing this was not the end of the story. He was still alive, right? If his friend could overcome such a dreadful feeling, maybe he could too.

The blond, a little hesitant, took the courage to take a hold of Akito's hand, making him know that he was listening and was there for him. Akito wanted to be embarrased, but honestly? He just felt happy that Tsukasa was giving him and his story a chance.


"And then my friends showed up and together we wiped the floor with Arata. He's cool, actually, we're aquaintances now."

Did he still feel resentment towards Arata? Yeah, sometimes. But he recognized now that it wasn't a personal attack, just very mean criticism. And even if he was right in some aspects (like the fact he, unlike his friends, did not have innate talent) he was wrong assuming Akito was holding them back or not improving.


"The point is... Wait, what was I gonna' say? Ah, yeah. You don't have to be perfect, Tsukasa."

He can count with the fingers of his hand the times he's call his senpai by his name. The blond knew this too, and could not hide the blush that decided to paint his cheeks. Akito found it very cute, and was relieved to see something different than the sad face he was making before.

Still, the moment did not last long, Tsukasa going over the statement and answering with his honest thoughts, a downcast look overcoming his profile.


"But... If I'm not perfect... What good am I?"

What a way to break a guy's heart.


Akito did not hestitate to close the (already short) distance between them. The younger teen placed his friend's face at his side, hiding Tsukasa's tears in his shoulders. He was careful not to tighten his hold too much, afraid of hurting the blond. But god... he really wanted to hold him with all his might, to make sure he could convey all his fondness and make him understand he was enough.


"You are good enough. You are perfect enough, I mean it."

It felt like talking to his past self, and in a way it was cathartic. They both needed to hear those words, to know that someone else understood the way they feel, to know they were not alone.


"Bu-but what about my role?"

"You'll get the hang of it, im sure."

"And the play...?"

"It'll go great, I promise. You guys always make the best shows."

"And what about being... alone..."

His crying was already subdued, but Akito still heard the sad undertones his voice was expressing. That appeared to be the root of everything: his fear of being alone. He had to be perfect or he'd be alone. He had to be strong, to be fine, to not be a bother, or he'd deal with loneliness. This kid really needed help. If Akito could at least be a resurrance for him, a shoulder to cry on and someone who could hear his problems, then he would gladly take that place.


"You don't have to be alone, never. You can always count on me, I promise."

He spoke from the heart, an unconscious array of thoughts leading to the hope of better days for his friend. His voice came trembling, the sincerity of his words melting in his throat.

Hearing this, Tsukasa takes his head out of the ginger's shoulder. An unreadable expession took hold of him, maybe trying to grasp what the boy really wanted to say. His eyes slowly started opening, a realization materialized through the shine in his iris. He tried to clean his face with the hem of his cardigan, a gesture Akito found adorable. When he felt more presentable (he looked the same as before), Tsukasa drew a big breath before doing the happiest smile he could muster, surprising Akito and even himself. His mood swings are really something.


"Thank you SO MUCH!"

Oh god, we're back with the high volume...!


The younger teen felt between joyous and absolutely embarrased, the weight of his words finally crossing his mind. Tsukasa was hugging him once again, not minding his strenght at the slightest and suffocating his poor kouhai.


"You also have- Rui and your friends- also Saki and- Senpai I can't brEATHE!"

"Heh! That's expected of a troupe member such as myself!"

The blond decided to let go, Akito wheezing at his side after the hug. The teen had to take a minute before getting up, following his friend's action. Akito remained seated for a few seconds more, just admiring the view. The blond smiled at him from above, a happy but bashful expression looking him back.


Tsukasa's eyes were still puffy, proof of the emotional rollercoaster both boys went through. At the moment, the boy was cleaning once again his face trying to look more presentable to his friend. Akito didn't mind at all because now his senpai's expression was genuine, not that extremely cheerful expression but a gentle smile. He'd probably still have sorrows and doubt on his mind, but at least he now had someone to share his burden with.


"Hey, kid! Are you out there?!"

"Ah shit, I forgot about the guard. How long we'd been here?"

"Akito! We really need to work on your swearing problem!"

"Whatever... C'mon, we have to get you out before he finds us."


With quiet steps, the teens took the long way out, evading the man and arriving at the other side of the school. Akito followed his friend around and found themselves at the backyard gates. He didn't know what they were doing here until Tsukasa started climbing the gates, his lack of trouble with the action making him know this was not his first time doing this.

He got distracted by the silouette of the boy before he remembered what he wanted to say.


"Hey, wait!"

Tsukasa stopped mid-climb, looking at his friend from above with a curious expression.


"Do you wanna' maybe... come to my house or something? You know... so you don't have to be alone..."

The blond almost fell from the gates, his hands trembling for a second while a flustered yelp came out of his throat. Akito couldn't help but laugh a little, understanding that the implications of his plan did not go unnoticed by the older teen. He felt a sense of relief flirting with Tenma, like the last piece of a jigsaw finally found it's place. This opened so many ways for the ginger to tease him, he was thrilled to see where their story would lead them both.

Tsukasa ended sliding back to the ground, regaining his composture with a hefty laugh of his own.


"I'm a honored by your invitation! But I'm okay now, thanks though."

Akito probably made a face, because the boy blew out a sigh before he got closer to his friend, taking both of his hands once again. They are cold now!


"Really, I'm fine. You helped me a lot today, and I am grateful for that. But! You have your presentation with your team tomo...Oh it's past twelve already! I've taken enough of your time. Vivid Bad Squad can't have their show without their leader being in top form!"

He remembered the name... He does not recall telling him before, maybe Toya did. Still, it left a warm feeling in his chest the fact he knew anyway.


He was telling the truth, Tsukasa seemed better. The hollow look his eyes had was now lighter, the red in his cheeks surfacing from laughter rather than crying. The shitty lightning did not do the boy justice, but Akito was capable of appreciating his beauty regardless. Was Tsukasa always this pretty...?

Before he got too nervous again, Akito freed himself from the hold he was at and in a swift move took off his jacket, not thinking it twice and placing it on the blond's shoulders.


"Wha- wait!"

"At least take my jacket, you're freezing..."

He really hoped Tsukasa did not see the blush in his face, because Akito was burning up. What he didn't know was that the blond felt the same, and they once again spent a minute just looking at each other. A million thoughts were crossing their minds, most of them ending with a peck on the lips.


At the end, Tsukasa was the first to turn away, a cough escaping his lips while he put on the jacket all the way through. The older teen was not used to using such baggy clothes, the jacket looking a bit funny on him. Nevertheless, Akito felt delighted at the sight, trying to remember every detail of the moment before it went away.

Akito'd swear he saw the boy sniff his clothes for a second, but the blond interrumped his thoughts by patting the side of his arm.


"I'll keep your jacket safe! I'll return it first thing on monday!"

Absolutely insane he still had so much energy this late at night.


"Nah, you can keep it, looks cuter on you."

At first glance, everyone thought Akito was this casanova ladies' man who had no problem pulling anyone he wanted. In reality, his heart was beating so loud he was afraid his friend could hear, sweaty hands reminding him how flustered he felt inside. This was one of his boldest moments so far, and was glad it was working. He was terrified but seeing the blond's face was worth it.


His senpai tried to respond, opening his mouth a few times before giving up. After a second of nonsense, he did one of his stupid poses to an audience of one then quickly climbed the fence, falling with an oof. Tsukasa said goobye with his hand for a last time, disappearing into the night.

What a weird day to finish their conversation. It kind of suited them though.


Akito stood there for a couple more minutes trying to process everything that happened in the last hour. From the flirting to the trauma, the teen had the chance to know a different side of his friend, the good and the bad. And he found out he actually likes knowing about Tsukasa and he'd like to learn more. Spending time with him was fun, although pretty intense. Was it everyday with him like that? I'd like to see him everyday...

He had it bad.


The cold wind reminded the boy where he was, and decided it was time to go home. Making sure for the last time the prop was safe in his bag, Akito made his way back. The nightguard got quite angry with him, the teen explaining it took a while for him finding the prop, the man believing his lie at the end.

An uneventful way back brought him home, his mind full of jumbled thoughts of the blond and the show. What would Tsukasa think of their performances if he saw them?


Failing for a third time trying to put the key on the doorlock, Akito drew a sigh before getting it right, drowsiness consuming him. He had to sleep soon, he only had a few hours before preparing for the event. And even though his mind got a new goal tonight, he had a responsability with his team he gladly liked to take.

After all, there was no rushing his crush. He had all the time in the world to get close to Tsukasa, and Akito was excited for the oportunity they both now have. A new chapter in their lives is about to start.




"hey its akito. toya gave me your number"

He got lucky Toya was still awake. For a second he was scared his partner was going to ask why he needed Tsukasa's number at such an hour, but thankfully he left him alone.


"Heyy!! Youre still up!!!! YOU HAVE A SHOW TOMORROW YOU NEED SLEEP!!!!"

So many exclamation marks, he could sense a headache aproaching.


"yeah yeah i know"

"Did you get home safe??"

"....yeah. you?"

"Of course!! Im glad you didnt freeze to death!!!!!"


This guy...

His cheeks got red with the knowledge that the blond was thinking of him. He had to take a moment to stop his fingers from shaking before continuing the chat.


"jeez whatever. anyways, tomorrow 9am, here are the directions for the avenue"

The avenue the event took place was not really one of the nicest ones. But he was sure Tsukasa would not have any problems going there, only maybe looking a little funny in the crowd, with his fashion sense and all.



It was one message but he sounded so enthusiastic. He knew he was going to see Toya and the girls too. But just for tonight with his sleepy thoughts and dreams, he imagined the blond was going only for him.


"dont be late. and then if you want... we can hang out after the show"

Those last words were written out on a whim, pressing the send button before he chickened out, his breath betraying his shaking heart.

The blond did not respond right away, Akito second guessing himself if this was a good idea. Damn, this day really changed him. For a few minutes nothing happened. The teen was ready lie down in the bed and call it a night. And in the moment he was going to turn off his phone, a notification appeared that made his face smile.


"Its a date then! ☆"


Waaah thanks for reading!! I hope you enjoyed the story, it was very fun to write!! <3