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Important message:
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Hello, hello! Happy March everyone! It's been almost a year since this rollercoaster of a fic ended, and just in time, Neo gifted me this gorgeous art of Bee and Fox's wedding! Please make sure to check out their work on AO3 and follow them on Twitter!
Also, in case you missed it, skin on skin has a fun little Christmas sequel now! You can read it here.
kayfaae, magicallylex, MaxManuka, Cabf_777, BaobeiXiwu, geniusbomb, lofus71, Bravemousewarrior, MalcolmRolden, The_Hourglass_Muse, LadyAnja, TutterGray, ElPendy, AnonAnon_Sir, MoonlightLuthor, Roshiwosia, 2diefor, killuasbakax, virgoverses_19, SmurfsTasteGoodOnToast, BookishPower, Anime_dweeb_287, Mariu_103, Backtosleep, PogueMahone, v46636645, Katya_03, sapphoenyx, Lupe_tree, Zaniida, Hippodameia, Es172001, TWrites, Fiction_lover09, LA2, marvelousfangirl01, SotheSoul, lemomina, CenturyAivilo, Acaciabellios, edenaery, mikiandmikey1014, PinkCanary, pixelsaphire, Shadows_of_Iggdrasil, MidgardianLoser, biamcas, CebuBluReader, threesugarcubes, betazoid4, and 197 more users as well as 517 guests left kudos on this work!