Work Text:
Commander Fox decides to mix a very suspicious, newly released energy drink with his caf. Things happen.
Originally posted as a reply to an ask on my Tumblr asking what would happen if Fox discovered energy drinks. Thus, Fox Caf Energy Drink = This Crack Comic. Enjoy.
(See the end of the work for other works inspired by this one.)
Teogli, Snips_fics, Jarvoy, Madrone, Ibby, Mismo, ThisDragonHoardsBooks, MrHevingham, mossy_creature, Dragon4real, TranquillaNoctua, Slovenia1, Taki_Muramasa, Benthe_S, blondenerd, Agareth, LetUsIn, CameForRexsokaStayedForClones, The_Supervillains_Goatee, dauntless_cupcake, WerdeSpinner, GrandCobrawolf2020, unstablequeerbitch, FoolOfATookAndDisturberOfThePeace, Cara_loves_fanfiction, fighter_chi, LiesRungTrue, Acethewarqueer, EarlGreyCi, teaandtables, impmetta, saraellen, HautBanane, MrSandmanBringUsADream, Mnesis, WinterSplinterBlossom, aliteralburden, RLachance, JellyBeansandSunshine, Raccoonnightmares, Im_here_to_die, Veradene, Koots_Ghost, whos_horseisthat, Ineadabetername, crayolaFeline, HarukaDunois, Every_Cloudy_Day, flyawaybluebird, kirabasai, and 332 more users as well as 128 guests left kudos on this work!