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Quick Oneshots/Crossovers - Part 28

Chapter 15: The Witches/Will & Grace

Chapter Text

[The shot opens on the interior of a room filled with chairs facing a podium. The Grand High Witch (played by Angelica Huston) raises her arms)


GRAND HIGH WITCH: Take off your shoes!


[The shot pans to show various women taking off their shoes. The shot reaches Karen Walker, shaking her head]


KAREN: Honey, do you know how much these Manolos cost me?


[Karen pauses and frowns]


KAREN: I don’t know how much these Manolos cost me. Probably because they cost Stan! A-ha-ha-ha!


[The Grand High Witch reaches for her hair]


GRAND HIGH WITCH: Now take off your wigs…


[The shot pans to show various women taking off their wigs, and revealing grotesque, witch-like faces. Karen is clearly surprised]


[The shot abruptly cuts to the interior of an office, where Karen sits at a desk and slams down a bottle of perfume]


KAREN: I tell ya, Grace. It was horrible!


[The shot widens to show Grace Adler standing at her desk, smiling]


GRACE: C’mon, Kare. Weren’t you a teensy bit tempted to shed your human form?


[Karen glowers]


KAREN: Honey, no! I’m not evil in disguise!


[Grace laughs and shakes her head, then turns and trips on a rug]


[Karen watches, her shoulders heaving, then throws her head back]


KAREN: A-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha!

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