Chapter Text
Eve and Villanelle celebrate Christmas.
HIIII okay so I know it's been a *really* long time but you know what! It was much needed because I'm back and better than ever! I'm feeling really confident with my art style and I feel like it's in a pretty solid state. I think I'm gonna remake the previous chapters to fit this style and give it a small upgrade :,) anyways, enjoy! I know it's a few days after Christmas but I hope the spirit is still at least a little there.
Lastly, thank you for being patient waiting for this fic <3
just_another_earthling, fishnread, Elizabeth_Scarlette, Wooooolymamoth, TrizIMIonze, catherine_mih0987, Lexxxbian, DramaticMusicPlays, jellybeanzbakedbeanz2550, cmlzy, villanellesgoldring, r74, Rainebow_villaneve, Gtb34e, evil_vanDyke, hellorflying, BlackCatintheHouse, whiskygingr, Spookysister, drlnglunex, karenpages, lesbillie, rcmanova, Bearxx3, fiercynn, Sherllocked, ajax_28, KEsurvivor, Kcorsiolli, villaneryss, Du_Astankova, Sashanemeshaet, evesgirl, 22much22, catscholar, darthgayder126, Schlauchbootlippenuschi, tisyha_alievi, rainbow_space_woman, reki__kinnie, UneSalade, villanelle_st, pinkposies, villanellve, Liwayway07, Asm00, lemonade_juice, costcopizza, sadctys, LoDo8Me, and 213 more users as well as 302 guests left kudos on this work!