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In hopes to be enough so you would stay.

Chapter 4: broken brain and all.

Chapter Text

"I'm done waiting, Y/N. Tell me what you need."


"You know the meds I take are for depression, right?


They aren't perfect- I still have really bad times. The world gets to me, y'know?"


I need it to be okay to not be okay.


My brain chemistry is wrong. And my brain lies, too.


You just being there helps a lot."


Kelly sighs.


"Thank you for telling me."


Nothing went wrong.


He didn’t laugh. Or think it was stupid.


Or tell you to leave.


Kelly didn’t want you to leave- Kelly wanted you to stay.


The voices could stay the fuck out of it. Kelly wanted you, broken brain and all.


It felt freeing, knowing this.


"I'm thinking you'll want tea, and those melatonin gummies you take, and we will watch one of those cute Japanese movies you like?"






"I'll make the tea. Which one, Y/N?"


"Cinnamon stick, please, lovely."


Kelly smiles.


"Coming right up, Hon."


You cuddle and watch a fish girl and her human boy.


You fall asleep, to soft breathing and a heartbeat.





Series this work belongs to: