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Dreams Aren't The Best Form Of Escapism by Anonymous
Fandoms: Fire Emblem: If | Fire Emblem: Fates
11 Oct 2022
Takumi was sure there were worse people to share a tent with. People who snored so loud that the poor people near them could feel the vibrations would be one such type. In hindsight, Takumi should really be more grateful about his current sleeping arrangements.
Leo was not a terrible person to share a tent with, per say. He read before he slept, most often in silence so Takumi was left undisturbed to get himself ready for bed. The two had recently had a budding friendship flourish between them, after they had argued out their initial discontent and came to realise how much they shared in common and how well they actually got along. So yes Takumi really had gotten truly lucky, Leo was a quiet and an unobtrusive tentmate, he was a friend and he did not snore.
They were tentmates, except Takumi noticed his tentmate slept as if someone was constantly lurking with a dagger ready to press to his throat.
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LOVE this leokumi book, no smut but implied rape and ptsd. Talks about his past and Nile’s being best man uhhuh uhhuh. Also about Leo having hypervigilance
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