Work Text:
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Podfic Length: 24:54
“Do you think I was a good Robin? Was I… useful?”
ohhhhhh I reread this one today and god it hurts me SO hard so I absolutely had to drop everything and make this
I tried some new sound additions, so hopefully those work out? let me know how it carries on your side, cheers!
as always, this was a cold read, so please excuse all stumbles and oopsies, appreciated!
happy listening!
This podfic is available to stream on Google Recorder using this link or copy the following link directly into your browser:
Podfic Length: 24:54
trinity1001, XMeikoX, Drakkensdatter, Tate_any_pronouns, Clover_the_nerd, Mykitten, hiwelcometochillies, Smileawkwardly, SmallClericBeast, Sailorhanakokun, HowAreGirlsSoPretty, bowl_of_petunias, imakethingsigrowthings, sonitoburrito, Turtlephant, StressEnemy, JourneyOfAHazelnut, spectralparchment, ashermiss, DandilAni, WolfeyedWitch, WhisperingIce, VannahBananah, silver_the_phoenix, Sishal, NiToBun, DescriptivePessimism_DAA, Rilo, Dash_of_Nutmeg, Laelynn, Sylph_of_Heart, Gothicbayjay, JanuaryDivide, Processpending, RJsDeath, Offstageflea, Rory_7_25, Starreading29, missdavis14, Ravin, Ballad_of_Hyrule, uneasy78, Minimi_ve, RayneTheInsane, carol_in_au, Tirild, Tevya, darvla, eerie_woods, IWantYourMusicPlease, and 19 more users as well as 15 guests left kudos on this work!