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Chapter 23: Artwork!!!!
Beautiful artwork of Maitri and Oz by @brbrbeatrice!
Look at this!! LOOK AT THIS!! 😍😍😍 Bea wanted to design some OC art and I am so honoured she chose these two beauties! This is exactly the Oz and Maitri who live in my head. Thank you, my wonderful friend!!!
Dawnky1983, Polkadotkat, fairy_queen, inconsistentmuses, AnonymousDalmatian, pef126, plumcreek, LadyMeerwein, amandinha, Nynoa, blueangelstar, micklolo, avoreader99, Marypopper, MummaBear1o, BiBiBaby, booksRlyfe, hidingfromspfierman, avidnexist, kat10kat2, novelky, sea_salt_air_92, watchhowisoar, IamJustaGirl31, ath3na_1, Wanttobebookworm, zarppa1, N_rock, grumpywillow, Celairphen, Terry2345, RoundCirclr, SpeedMouse, Villanelles_Wife, massive_conehead03, FrenchFryHamiltrash, nerdfightingwhovian, CleverKey, HalseyPotter, alvaradangel, littlethoughts, bananabreadatwork, sarahc1810, OlavG, MarionLeponge, Katietinkerbell01, csmvngcastle, Anamation8690, Bi_panic_actually, MtkaSwim, and 719 more users as well as 433 guests left kudos on this work!