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❆ -better- ❆

Chapter Text

Hi everyone!

How are you?

Don't worry this isn't an update saying this fic will never be finished, but maybe an update to say that it might be some time before the next chapter is able to come out. Ironically, I fell extremely ill for several months and didn't have any energy to be able to come back to this. I was horrified coming back to all these missed comments and readers who might have been waiting for a long time.

I have a wish that I can come back and update this ending that I've had sitting in my files for months now, and that I get the chance to write for everyone again. But I can't make any certain promises at this time. For now, I'll be taking the time to go through all the comments I've missed, although I might not be able to respond to them all like I was able to in the past.

That being said, I really hope you've all been doing well and taking care of yourselves, and that you continue to do one nice thing for yourselves everyday if you can. 

I'll delete this tiny letter if/when the new chapter is able to be posted <3

Until then, you have my absolute, genuine love and thanks for all the appreciation you've shown for this small story that I never thought would mean anything to anyone. It's been humbling being able to share writing I thought wasn't very good with readers who've found it so, and my writing improved immensely. It means a lot. I was at some of my happiest being able to post for everyone.

I look forward to getting better, and wish you all an extremely bright future! 



(edit: an update is certain to come! i feel the power of writing for this story flowing back within me as i post others! ha HA)