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In the Shadow of Giants

Chapter 6: Out of the fryer and into the frying pan


Stop! Please read this, it is integral to the next chapter update. Don't panic I am still writing this...though this is not a real chapter, but an update!

Chapter Text

So after doing some soul searching, I decided that in honor of Hagrid I would rewrite the first few chapters and make them better (even if he is being bashed in this one). The next chapter is written and all of them will be updated and posted next Friday.

I added this chapter to say that I've learned a lot about the writing process and I shouldn't have posted anything until the whole story was written so I wouldn't be so sporadic with the updates.

Just know, the plot bunnies hit me hard in dream land and I am currently writing 3 different new fics that will only be posted when done.

#1 aka Harry as Tarzan
Vernon tries to diddle 5yr old Harry but Tuney comes in with the frying pan and knocks that sucker out. She reaches for Harry to take him and Dudders and skiddaddle but Harry thinks she is going to hurt him so his accidental magic kicks in and he is apparated to the forbidden forest where he is raised by acromantula and unicorns 🦄 lol. He then appears during GOF for the tournament but he is not like other wizards. Idk his love line yet and I also don't know if I want him to trail behind snape and treat the man like his new momma, completely terrifying the dungeon bat or what.


#2 aka Arabella figg to the rescue
Bella was a squib right? So Dumbles leaves Harry at the dursleys before she is set to move in to the house down the street. She take on this job because she is devoted to the light. Her major husband died with their curse breaker son during a death eater raid and she wants to do her part. But an hour after the wizards leave, baby Harry is till outside in that basket. She says tough shit to the Wizarding world, packs up a baby Harry and contacts her husband's old commando buddies. How will Harry's life change when he is raised by a knowledgeable squib and a rowdy pack of muggle soldiers?


#3 ambitious crossover lol
Picture Hp/twilight/vampire diaries/ mcu/ the originals/ teen wolf and possible cameos from other fandoms.
The one where master if death Harry and his 2 bestest friends in the whole world are sitting at the end of the last planet in the sky right as it is about to die and take them out with it. His bffs each have an infinity stone and he has the sacred and unknown resurrection stone Thanos didn't even know about. Anyways instead of dying because let's be real, potter luck is trash, they end up split apart in different times. Harry ends up on earth in the whatever hundreds and falls for a dashing guy and they later have a baby aka stiles stininski (don't ask all will be revealed), his gal pal ends up in front of the orphanage and decides to adopt a young Tom (who later saves uncle Ben ahhh) and his basically older brother in all but blood end up way in the past on a freaking frozen plant where he comes across an alter with a blue baby on it (any guesses who that baby is 😆 I can't even and decides to save him and they move to asguard for a time)

Weird things happen stiles ends up with the stilinskis, rose is attacked still but gets pregnant and only asks for the bite after the baby is born and carlise tells her she is going to die. She tries to keep the baby but the bloodlust kicks in and she end up giving her away to the Hale family aka of the beacon hills variety and keeps the last name for herself. I want bennett witches cursing the quillett tribe to be shifters at their asking when the cold ones are near and young Tony meeting a chaotic Harry during their 20s and becoming bros for life..I could freaking go on but that would be telling the whole plot and I ain't about to snitch like that.


Why am I telling you all this? I want your feedback as I'm writing these chapters. Stiles and Harry's love lines are locked in but I want rare pairs! I want couples you havent seen too often and challenge myself to make their love seem real and stong. I want bashing! I live for that rubbish, it hits me in my feely squeelies, but I want your thoughts on it. Who do we hate? Who do we love? Who do we love to hate and want to see more of? You have until Friday to post those comments before this chapter is deleted. Please number your suggestions next to the fic you are commenting about so I can keep up and put them in the correct excel document. Much love and platonic kisses because ew gross, girls have kooties❤hope to hear from you soon!

Works inspired by this one: