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Looks are deceiving


Headcanon of Andrew meeting a Tall, initiating, Tattoo-pierced reader, who is actually a sweet and understanding person.


The reader is about 6'3 and Andrew is 6'1 for reference.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

- We all can agree that around the time that Identity V takes place, being pierced and tattooed wasn't commonplace.
- So you could imagen everyone's surprise when you waltzed in looking the way you did.
- Ears decked out in silvery and gold metal, your lips, nose, and eyebrows adorned in similar colors.
- What skin was visible underneath your clothing was covered in intricate sharp edges and symbols.
- Symbols Andrew, without a doubt, thought were pagan.
- I mean, the bible explicitly forbade it! Only a pagan, an awful person, would surely ever do that.
- Right?
- It was during a match that Andrew started to possibly reconsider that thought.
- The Ripper had chaired everyone but you and Andrew.
- The ciphers were done, the gates ready to be open.
- Everything was going well. That was until the Ripper got the jump on Andrew and chaired him.
- There sat Andrew, waiting to be sent back to the manor, expecting you to leave.
- That was until he heard running.
- To his surprise, he saw your lumbering figure rushing towards him, a look of worry plastered on your face.
- You gently but swiftly untied him from the chair and immediately picked him up.
- "What are you doing?! Put me down!" Andrew yelled out in shock, his pale skin making him redder than a rose.
- You let out a hearty laugh, running to a gate.
- When the both of you returned to the manor, you immediately took him to Emily.
- You spent the whole time helping Emily asking Andrew if he was okay, apologizing if something hurt him, and saying how glad you were for being able to reach him in time.
- Andrew was so shocked that all he could do was nod as you fussed over him.
- Perhaps it was his poor eyesight, or maybe you were deceiving him. But you seemed genuinely worried about him.
- Bloody hell! You even walked him back to his room!
- Andrew felt so conflicted, so confused.
- He spent his entire life being told that pagans were uncivil, savage creatures. Yet you were so gentle and kind to him.
- His flustered face soon burned with rage. No, you weren't a kind soul, you were just doing this to trick him.
- It was no secret that Andrew was religious. This must be a ploy to deceive him into becoming your friend, Just to taunt him for believing anyone would befriend a monster.
- In the morning, you came to his room, gently knocking, asking if he was awake.
- Andrew had spent the whole night fuming, and hearing you arrive at his door made him explode.
- Rushed steps could be heard as he slammed his door open and dragged you in.
- "Y-you think this is funny!?" He yelled out, vessels popping through his skin.
- You looked down at him, confused. "What do you mean?"
- "Y-you're tricking me! You're only being k-kind to make a fool out of me!" His body shook as he stared up at your face.
- You slowly approached Andrew, hurt and confusion plastered on your face. "Why would you think I would do that?"
- Andrew sputtered, turning redder. "T-this ploy of being kind to me! To be kind to me just so you could remind me of the monster I am!"
- You both stood there silent.
- Slowly you reached out, hesitating as Andrew flinched.
- Gently you grabbed his hand and looked at him sincerely. "Why would I think you're a monster?"
- Andrew stood there, his rage long since dissipating. "Just l-look at me."
- "I am, and all I see is a man who's been lied to his entire life."
- His head flew up to look at you. Your eyes are soft, a smile covering your face.
- You looked beautiful.
- You sat both of yourselves down and told him how you were treated as a spectacle where ever you went. How people would whisper, saying you belonged in a freak show and off their streets.
- You choose to have piercings and tattoos, so their ignorance never fazed you.
- Smiling, you told Andrew there was nothing wrong with him. And if he wanted it, you could help make his everyday life a little easier.
- Andrew stared in silence. The only person who ever treated him this kindly was his mother...
- "Please don't cry..." You say, gently wiping away his tears.
- "How about we grab breakfast and make our way to Emma's garden? We might be able to find something to help you go in the sun without having to wear so much clothing."
- Andrew nodded slowly, getting up with you.
- A small smile graced his face as you both walked out into the hall.


Sorry if Andrew came out a little OOC, but I tried using material from his wiki to reference his personality. Any constructive criticism will make me happy :D