Chapter Text
Thank you for all the comments and kudos in the first chapter, sometimes I come here and read them to cheer me up. I"m forever grateful for the love this community showed me.
PS: I split part 2, there"ll be three parts now. Sorry.
PPS: If you find the double page hard to read you can click here ( and it should be more readable (I didn"t think this through).See you in a while ;-;7
SeaBeast, ThePickleSandwich22, ElsreyBeBee, Lost_me, bisasam, fiodortriestowrite, MatchaTruffles, veyeohlet, Tiramasu, mosscolouredjumpers, luxio56, mosspuppy, Arczi, VivatRex, hyper_piggie, im_gay_dude, hadgman, Incessant_Hum, arc_el_ion, CallMeParentalFigure, the100thwitch, nozaeron, FabulousCthulhu, triannegular, id_est_Lee, bizarre_lil_man, PopCult, lonelylimb, overture_stare, azuresoup, Alisan_Ni, exchangespirit, v_nc3, NightlyCrow, d_milkobitch, moby_dicksucker, Roomiee, whenwillrain, reanigaytor, Tactical_Pocket_Pisi, thethickofit, Pisssket, sleeptalks, ShortMonster, bibleangel, jayxuwu2006, TrevRen21, DamnthatGeko, asstrid00, underwateruniverse, and 771 more users as well as 457 guests left kudos on this work!