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Call me crazy but I think I just made a rock band on a whim

Chapter 2: Miss Yun's appraisal


Yun Jin gives Aether advice and he makes his mind up about multiple things.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Miss Yun! Someone’s here for you!” 


“For me? I wasn’t expecting any visitors.” 


She turns the corner and sees Aether, instantly greeting him. 


“Oh, it’s you! Hi! Uhm, do you want tea?” 


“I’m not here for tea. Actually, I needed your help.” 


“What is it?” 


“I’ll be frank. I want to become a rock singer.” 


“Oh. That’s uhm… surprising! But why’d you come to me for this? Wouldn’t Xinyan be better?”


“You specialize in singing, so she told me to talk to you.”


“Hm. Well, do you know how to sing, first of all?”


“I do.”


“How about you sing something for me then?”


Aether hesitates and Yun Jin sighs. 


“Aether, dear, you… If you’re going to become a rock singer then you shouldn’t be shy about singing in front of people. That’s quite literally the entire job.” 


“No, I’m aware. It’s not that, I just don’t know what to sing.” 


“Well, that’s no good! How is Miss Yun gonna judge your singing now?” Paimon interjects dejectedly.  


“Surely you can think of something? You’ve been across the entire world, anything is fine. Regardless of language, I just want to get a general understanding of your voice.” She smiles gently, giving off an encouraging aura. 


“Hm… I might mess up some lyrics, and it may sound awkward since I’m starting from the middle of the song.”


“That’s okay! As I said, I just want to get a general idea.” 


He starts singing, carrying a gentle soft tune. 



“It was you who taught me, that if the darkness shines, it’ll become a night of stars! It was you who gave me this smile. If we can make tears shine, they’ll become shooting stars... Your hand has been hurt, but don’t ever let go again—! From a sky filled with wishes, tomorrow will come soon...” 


He pauses, meeting with a brief silence. He looks from Yun Jin to Paimon and back at Yun Jin again, trying to gauge his performance based on their reactions.


“You sounded nice. Your voice is smooth and gentle, and it's easy on the ears.”


“Mhm! Paimon thought it was very beautiful!”


“However. I’m sorry to say but for the type of music you are wishing to make, it won’t cut it alone. You’d be good, but you’d need a team. Your voice is lovely, so you’d want to enhance it with a group. I worry that if you do a solo band, your talent will become washed out, to be frank. Your voice… on its own doesn’t give rock singer energy. If you really want to go solo, I could suggest some other types of music, like pop or classical.”


“Thank you for your feedback, Miss Yun. I’ll be sure to take it into consideration.”


“Glad to help. Aether, you sound like an angel. Maybe consider making your own unique genre.”


He smiles at Yun Jin before leaving with Paimon. 




“What are you giggling about?”


“Paimon was just thinking of how much mora we’re gonna make considering your voice is so nice! People are gonna be lining up like “Take my mora! Take it, please! I wanna hear the spectacular Aether sing!” 


“How much mora I’m gonna make,” he corrects.


“Sharing is caring!”


“What a childish way of thinking.”


“Shut your mouth!”


He shoves a cornbread bun into Paimon’s blabbering mouth, “How about you shut your mouth?” 


“Where dif you gef that—?” Paimon mumbles, happily chewing on the bun.


“Xiangling.” He shrugs. 


They head back to the inn, where Aether flops on the bed. He sighs, placing a hand on his forehead. Staring at the ceiling, he blinks slowly and groans. 


“What’s wrong?”


“I didn’t really think it through enough.”


“You're having second thoughts?”


He laughs, “No. When I say I’m done adventuring I mean it. It’s just that… there’s so much work to do with music. You need to write the songs, practice them, perform them, learn some instruments, and then hope people like it.”

“Miss Yun’s idea sounds good. Split the responsibility, and it might even be fun forming a connection with your fellow band members.”


“Yeah, but who do I even invite? Everyone has a lifestyle, I don’t think I can just waltz up and ask them to quit their jobs and join.”


“That is true…”


“I don’t know anymore, but I really want to do it. I’m not quitting.”


“Good for you! Paimon is always on your side, remember that.” 




Paimon floats over to him and pats his head. 


“Up up! We’ve got work to do, and number one is getting you some food! You haven’t eaten anything since you woke and it’s afternoon now.”


Aether notices the ache in his stomach as soon as Paimon mentions it, and nods, getting up.


“Back to Wanmin Restaurant?” Paimon asks. 


Aether nods, getting up. He grabs a bag before leaving. 


“What’s the bag for?”


“I’m taking some stuff for the road, so you won’t complain about how bland the expedition food is.”

“Woah Woah, where are we going?”


“The Chasm. I want to tell Lumine that I’m done looking for her. She can go her way…  and I’ll go my way.”


Paimon stares at him in shock. 


“But—! She’s your sister! You’ve been together for so long and you’re just going to leave her..?”


Aether’s fists tighten. He clenches his jaw, before snapping at Paimon. 


I’m the one leaving her?! What the fuck do you think she’s been doing for the past two years ?! I’ve spent two fucking years wearing out every bone in my fucking body, helping people who don’t give a shit about me, and for what?! Someone that walks away from me?!”


For what seems like the first time, Paimon gets a clear look of Aether. His eyes, which sparkled brightly when they first met, were now dull with a weariness that can be seen in his entire body. His shoulders look like they’re about to crumble under all the pressure put on them. His face looks duller, like a shell of the original.


“Aether, I’m— I’m so sorry…”


He relaxes seeing Paimon’s distraught expression  “No it’s fine. She said to wait for the time to come for us to be reunited, but if I have to wait, I’ll be waiting comfortably. I’m not some maidservant.”


“You’ll never need to do anyone else's work again,” Paimon reaffirms.


He whispers, breathing out unreleased tension and looking like his shell is filling with the former soul that inhabited it. Less washed out, he whispers once again, only audible this time as if making a promise. 


“Never again.” 


Hehe guess the song I had Aether sing