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let me worship you


A gloomy hail storm hits Mondstandt and all citizens are forced to stay indoors -- including Diluc, who is only too happy to have his entire bar to himself for the weekend.

Until a stranger with an outlandish charm and even more outlandish hair pushes his way into Diluc's private time, which is made even more unbearable because--

--Well, because he's the handsomest stranger Diluc has ever seen.


guys dont tell this to the demon slayer fans but i was writing this instead of doing the ds requests 😭😭

if i spelt Mondstadt wrongly NO I DIDNT!!!🤒

i love when they manhandle diluc [rolls diluc up like a newspaper and folds him into paper crane]

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

There's almost something deceptive about this place.


It'a the first thing Diluc thinks of when he looks fondly around his well-worn, well-loved bar he's worked in for years.


Yellowing oil lamps strung around the ceiling wash every oak chair and table with a warm sepia light.


The chairs lay slightly askew, which would normally bother Diluc, but today for some unknown reason he finds the disorder lends some personality to the place.


The tangy smell of alchohol floats around each seat, and Diluc can almost hear the echoes of drunken laughter and hearty conversation like every other night.


But it's just another figment of his imagination, because the bar is dead empty.


Save for Diluc himself. A lone, tall figure behind the bar counter, wiping what seems to be an already spotless tankard with the same bored expression on his face.


But the deception is what intrigues him; that of his sinewy, comforting bar hiding him from the stormy terror outside.


"Attention, citizens of Mondstadt!" One of many brightly coloured flyers pasted on every stone wall visible to human eyes yelled. "A large hurricane has been reported to be travelling towards highly populated areas in our city! Please take indoor shelter immediately and do not visit punblic or outdoor areas! The Knights will be distributing supplies such as...."


Diluc had stopped, just like everyone else, to read what had been printed in a rather confusing cursive lettering ("Lisa," he murmurs) but tuned out everything else after the third sentence.


A storm. Everyone will be indoors.


Diluc allowed himself a small smile.


Now, a week later he stood inside his bar alone, just as he liked it.


And true to its word, the storm had reached Mondstadt, thundering heavily, sheets of rain falling onto brick roofs with a loud and satisfying sound Kaeya would describe as "beer for the ears".


Diluc sniffed. Only the gloomiest weather would make him think of his not-quite-brother brother.


Placing the now sparkling tankard on the bar, Diluc bent over to stretch, sighing slightly.


No Kaeya. No drunkards asking for seconds. No one at all.


Just Diluc, his dozens of alchoholic beverages he will never drink, and--


A small mew breaks the beautiful silence.


Diluc's eyes narrow.


And the tabby cat that snuck in and won't leave.


The fat, orange culprit of the ruined quiet is laying lazily on one of the chairs belly-up, eyes closed like he's sunbathing.


'It'. Not 'he'.


Diluc groans inwardly, pushing his chair back before crossing the bar to reach the cat. He stares down at it, but it doesn't even flinch.


The cat began ambling in on odd days of the week like it owned the place, which Diluc did not appreciate, but drunkards the size of giants with bulging muscles would often coo and cuddle it like little girls, which Diluc found amusing, so he let it stay.


But he wanted his alone time. The cat being here meant that it was Diluc-and-cat alone time, which he was largely not in favour of.


"Get out. Shoo. Leave," Diluc says, flicking a hand back in forth in what he hopes is appropriate shooing.


The cat slowly blinks its eyes open and gazes at Diluc before slowly turning to the window with the raging storm outside and turning back to Diluc again. Almost as if to say "Where would I go?"


"How would I know where you would go? You're the cat. Not me." Diluc huffs, annoyed, and it only irritates him further when the cat simply rolls over and goes back to sleep. It's clear the conversation is over.


Rolling his eyes, he walks back to the bar counter.


Forget the cat. I can always get rid of it after the storm.


A little peace restored, Diluc reaches down to the bottom cupboard and pulls out a bottle of grape juice -- its label designed to look like red wine -- and begins to pour it into a glass.


The last time Diluc drank grape juice openly, a particularly drunk Kaeya had jokingly asked him if he wasn't drinking because he was pregnant.


Diluc doesn't remember that night, but he remembers being pulled away by some equally drunk bard while Rosaria tried to pluck off the edge of Diluc's fingernail stuck above Kaeya's eyebrow.


Kaeya was extremely proud of the tiny scar Diluc gave him and proudly showed it off to anyone who asked.


Diluc wonders why the mere joke about him being pregnant made him so angry. Maybe because it came with the assumption that he liked guys.


The thought brings a slight flush to his face, because that assumption wasn't wrong.


...But still. Diluc wonders if---


Knock, knock.


Diluc's hand almost slips from the grape juice bottle in shock, and from the corner of his eye he sees the Fat Cat startle awake.


He hadn't imagined it. Someone has knocked on his shut, tightly locked bar wooden doors. In the middle of a storm that had enough wind and water to wash any person into a ditch.


For a second, Diluc thinks its some teenage prankster who managed to eavde the winds to sneak around Mondstadt, knocking on everyone's door to provoke some sort of urban legend.


Or some thief trying to make a living off Mondstadt people trying to hide from the storm by ambushing them at their doorstep.


But then Diluc thinks of some lost outsider, cold and alone, desperately seeking some kind of shelter from a storm that could kill them -- and his body moves on its own towards the door.


His hands swing the door open -- to the loud protests of the Fat Cat -- and he's immediately hit by a gust of wind so cold that almost all the lamps are extinguished, save for a few near the back.


Goosebumps creep up his flesh and he almost shuts the door again, desperate for warmth, but there's somebody outside.


Under the torrents of rain and unyielding wind, a man stands at Diluc's doorstep with a wet mop of brown hair and an unwavering smile.


His clothes don't hide much of his toned body, pressing through the thin, wet and almost translucent fabric of his clothes and by the Anemo Archon, this man is definitely not from here.


He's not the average foreigner, either, Diluc thinks, eyes catching the bright blue Hydro vision hanging at his waist.


Of course, there's no other reason Diluc would look at his waist.


"You alright?" His cheeky voice is tinged with a foreign accent, but is as clear as a bell despite the rain, and Diluc wants to shut the door in irritation.


"What do you want?" Diluc asks testily, and the stranger raises both hands in mock surrender.


"Okay, okay, beautiful. Don't get so worked up," The stranger coos, before stepping inside the bar without invitation before Diluc can recover from the nickname.


The stranger exhales slowly, kicking off his wet shoes and placing them at the side of the door. Diluc slowly closes the door, eyes trying to adjust to this very, very new visitor.


He wiggles around a little, attempting to dry himself off in the almost dark room, before turning to Diluc with a smile. "The lights, please, darling?"


Diluc wants to start shouting expletives and shoving him out of here, but he restrains himself and turns to ignite all the lamps with a little help from his own Vision.


Before he can turn around, a gloved hand tugs at his belt. "Aah, a Pyro vision. Handy thing to have around. Mind if I see?"


Diluc smacks the hand with more force than needed and it retracts immediately.


He whirls around, fists practically shaking in anger at the audacity of this foreign clown but then--


His eyes meet that of the strangers and it's a feeling Diluc cannot even begin to describe.




It's like staring into two pools of the cursed cerulean waters of the Abyss, swirling around almost hypnotically, dragging you in until nothing is left.


Diluc blinks, anger forgotten momentarily until the stranger shakes his head vigorously, getting water droplets everywhere, before saying, "Do you happen to have a towel for-- Ooh, a cat!"


He doesn't bother to finish, simply running over to the cat, kneeling down and rubbing it all over its furry belly, simpering and soothing.


The cat purrs, rolling over for more. Traitor.


Diluc roughly pulls the stranger up by his cuff and notices the next thing; how could he have thought his hair was brown?


His hair is a rich, fluffy orange, rendered soggy by the winds and plastered to the sides of his face.


"So, about that towel?" The stranger asks, before yelping in shock as Diluc gives him a good shake.


"Tell me who you are and what you are doing in Mondstadt this instant, or you will be kicked out immediately and all entrances will be bolted," Diluc forces out through gritted teeth.


The stranger slips out of Diluc's reach with scary ease, before giving a little introductory bow.


"Tartaglia of Schnezaya! Pleasure to meet your acquaintance, beautiful." The stranger -- Tartaglia -- shoots him a charming smile.


Diluc blinks, unconvinced. "What is your business so far away from your homeland?"


His suspicion grows further when Tartaglia blanches at that question.


"On official business from Liyue. I'm... a toy maker." He eventually pipes up.


Diluc stares at his lean, toned arms and abdomen muscles like washboards, and his very obvious Vision swinging against his hip. "Right." He replies with derision. "A toy maker."


Tartaglia pulls up a stool and sits on it, leaning against the counter. "Got anything to eat around here? Other than you, beauti--"


"Diluc. And no, there isn't. You need to leave right away, Tart-whatever your name is," Diluc interrupts, annoyed.


"Childe. You can call me Childe," Tartaglia adds, as if he hadn't heard what Diluc had said.


"Child? Like a small child?"


"No-- No. Child but with an 'E' at the back. It's pronounced the same, but--"


"So Chill-dee?" Diluc asks, momentarily forgetting the issue at hand.


"No, sweetheart--"




"...No, Diluc, just Childe," He sighs, exasperated.


Diluc narrows his eyes. "You're weird. Can you please leave?"


Childe gasps in faux-offense, raising a hand to his chest. "You want me to leave the comfort of your bar? Out in the cold and rain? I could die! Where is the famed Mondstadt hospitality?"


Diluc feels a headache coming on. "If you were searching for Mondstadt hospitality, you came to the wrong place." He turns his back to Childe to wipe the counter.


The outsider suddenly sits up at this, eyes shining. "Did I really? You're Diluc Ragnvindr, formerly of the Knights of Favonius, now the owner of Dawn Winery. You bartend at Angel's Share. Your whole business is about pleasing people, isn't it? You should know about hospitality."


Diluc doesn't turn around to acknowledge him, but his heart is beating faster. Just who the hell is this guy?


Childe seems to notice the effect his words had on Diluc and quickly slides off the chair.


"Plleaaase, Diluc? I don't want to catch a cold, or even worse. I promise I won't be a bother at all! I'll leave right after the storm, I promise.."


Diluc grips the counter tightly. It would be a massive slight at Mondstadt's reputation (and his own) to simply force a foreigner out the door to face a storm on his own--


--But he really, really didn't want to let him stay for three major reasons.



By the looks of it, Childe had the physique of a warrior or a traveller at worst. If he was lying about his job, then he could be more trouble than he was worth. And Diluc had many, many questions to ask him, some of which could only be asked once Childe was feeling more comfortable. 




Diluc wanted to be alone-- alone being defined as no-cat-no-Childe alone.




This guy was attractive beyond comprehension and entirely Diluc's type.


Diluc can feel his deep blue eyes boring a hole into his back and he lets off a huge exhale.


"You better not make me regret this. At the first sign of trouble you give me, I'll kick you out immediately."


Childe whoops and throws his hand up in victory. "Sweet! Thanks, darling--"








Diluc hands him a towel before turning to find a mop. Childe had tracked in some dirty water when he waltzed in earlier.


There's a small silence that Diluc has no interest in filling, but then---


"Erm, sorry to bother, but could you dry my hair for me? It gets tangled when I do it," Childe asks sheepishly, offering the towel up to Diluc from his stool.


Diluc narrows his eyes but accepts the towel. If he allowed himself to start fighting Childe then the rest of the time being stuck here would be a nightmare.


He stands behind Childe's stool and towels his hair dry with a little more force than necessary. There are a few yelps and quiet "Oww!"s every few seconds but otherwise silence.


Diluc relishes the quiet.


"Do you have any brothers or sisters, Diluc?"


His eye twitches. So much for quiet.


"...No. You?"


Childe leans his head back, smiling. "Brothers. Many, actually. I'm the oldest."


"I can imagine that," Diluc says quietly.


"Oh, so you've been thinking about me?" Childe smirks, but winces as Diluc smacks his head with the towel.


"..I love them. My brothers. So I do a few odd jobs so they can enjoy the childhood I couldn't." He says quietly.


"Like... toymaking?" Diluc asks, though he knows that isn't the correct answer.


He hears a small chuckle and sees a smile.


"Yeah. Toymaking."


The room feels somewhat warmer.


Something about his voice, low and sweet like honey makes Diluc embarrassed, and he's glad that Childe is sitting with his back to him.


"I wasn't telling the truth before. I do have a brother," Diluc says, and he's not quite sure why he tells the truth.


"Yeah, I knew." Childe answers.


Diluc sniffs. Pretentious ass.


"Older or younger?"


"We're around the same age. He was adopted,"


"Ouh. Did you guys have a rivalry when you were kids? That sounds cool," Childe asks.


Diluc closes his eyes and remembers a moment in his childhood with Kaeya---


They had gone for a picnic, and Kaeya had given Diluc half his chicken sandwich, because he knew how much Diluc hated cucumber sandwiches. "Think of it as a favor, so now you owe me!" Kaeya had said, smiling brightly.


"..No, not as children. We got along well when we were younger," Diluc says truthfully.


Childe lets the unasked question hang in the air.


Diluc folds the now slightly wet towel, satisfied with Childe's hair. "He frequents the bar, if that counts as keeping in touch."


"I'd frequent the bar too if you were here more often." Childe looks up at him from his seat, wistful.


Diluc responds by wrapping the towel around Childe's face and letting him choke for a little.


"Pheeew! Ow! You're manic." Childe huffs when he finally rips it off, but there's an impudent smile on his face that Diluc finds both annoying and a little attractive.


Gods, that is beyond corny.


Suddenly, Childe stands up, almost knocking the stool over.


"My love, does thine have an extra set o' clothes? Mine are proper drenched," He suddenly proclaims in a posh accent that moves Diluc dangerously close to smiling territory.


Oh, I packed an extra set of clothes in the bar a while back for a rainy day.


I mean, I think I'd need them, but the dumbass sitting in his wet clothes who could catch a cold at any given time needs them more.


Diluc opens his mouth to tell Childe exactly that, but maybe his neurons fire with less accuracy, or he's just spent a little too much time staring at Childe's almost godlike figure, but instead he says-


"There's no extra clothes. Just this towel."


Childe glances at him, smirk playing on his lips. "I bet you'd like me walking around without a shirt on, wouldn't you?"


"Your arrogance is overt," Diluc shoots back, but the heat slowly and steadily building in his stomach is not one easily ignored.


This man was dangerous. Diluc prayed the storm would be over soon with no further incidents.


As if the gods had rejected his prayer, he hears the shuffling of clothes behind him and a clink as Childe's belt and Vision fall to the floor.


Diluc makes the mistake of turning around and witnesses his guest in his full glory-- completely naked.


His buttoned-shirt, opaque and gray is pooled at his feet, leaving his chest in full view.


Diluc's eyes linger on his bare arms and abdomen , framed by distinct off-colour scars that litter every crevice of his body but his face. The marks of a warrior.


Childe catches his eye and winks disarmingly. "Like what you see?"


"You're standing butt-naked in the middle of my bar. There isn't anything else to see." Diluc says shortly.


Still, Diluc doesn't stop his eyes from wandering when Childe isn't looking, along the curve of his angular hips, down his toned legs, and---


Lord Barbados, he is huge.


What the fuck? How does that fit anywhere?


The vulgarity of Diluc's thoughts smite him and he quickly turns around in pure annoyance and embarrassment.


"Why--- Why are you even naked? Right here? I told you I don't have clothes---"


With a flourish, Childe wraps the towel around his waist, hiding his groin but otherwise bare. "Tah-dah!"


Diluc stares at him incredulously. "So what, you're just going to dance around wearing just a thin towel to cover yourself?"


"Aw, cheer up, beautiful. It's not like anyone else is going to be here," Childe replies airily.


"And what if there is?" Diluc asks, but almost all the breath leaves his body when Childe suddenly grabs his wrist, pulling him dangerously close until their waists are flush to one another.


He's too surprised to react, skin hyperaware of the warmth emanating from its companion.


"..There won't be anyone else," Childe eventually murmurs, and his breath is warm and heavy, tickling Diluc's neck.


Everything after that happens in a blur: Diluc immediately pulls back with an embarrassed curse, but trips over Childe's pile of clothes, instinctively reaching out to grab Childe's shoulders for support--


--And they both stumble and fall, landing ontop of one another.


Diluc finds all the wind rushed out of him at once as he feels Childe's bare body pinning him to the floor. Childe's face is pressed to his shoulder---


Fuck, fuck.


Childe apologises repeatedly in succession, attempting to roll off Diluc without the towel falling off---


But then there is a clap of thunder, and an unmistakeable flash of lightning blasts for all to hear.


Diluc never thought he would fear something as harmless as a clap of thunder but he wraps his arms around Childe's neck and pulls him down instinctively, pressing both their bodies together.


"Haah-- uh-- Diluc--" Childe gasps, and Diluc can feel the overconfident persona slip a little as Childe's face grows warm in the crook of his arm.


Diluc himself isn't doing great.


What the fuck am I doing? Since when did I lose such control like a fucking animal--


"Diluc, are you hard?"


The sudden question snaps Diluc out of it and sure enough, there's a tight feeling in the crotch of his pants that Childe is lying right over.


"No! No-- get off me--!" Diluc practically screeches in both anger and humiliation, roughly pushing Childe off him and stumbling to a sitting position.


"Hey, hey, calm down. I wasn't making fun of you, it's normal--" Childe tries.


"--God! Just--- Just leave me alone, Childe. Please?" Diluc forces out, and his voice sounds whiny to his own ears. He hates it.


He cups his face in his hands. 


God, I sound like a five-year-old throwing a tantrum.


From the darkness of his closed eyes, he hears nothing from Childe, just the sound of rain smattering outside the bar.


Then he hears light footsteps fading to the end of the room. Then the sound of clothing, and familiar clinking buttons.


He's wearing an old coat I keep around.


The footsteps get closer, followed by the creaking of the stool next to Diluc.


A warm arm holds his side, gentle and comforting, and Diluc knows he shouldn't want this.


Of course I don't want this. Right?


Yet his heart still flutters infuriatingly when Childe's head rests on his shoulder.


"Penny for your thoughts?"


Diluc sighs a deep, shaky exhale. "I'm not thinking anything worth your time,"


He can sense Childe's soft smile. "Everything about you is worth more than anything I could give, Diluc,"


Childe rolls Diluc's name off his mouth almost reverently, like it's a blessing, and Diluc feels that same heat creep up his stomach and pool inbetween his legs.


"God, I can't stand you, you know that?" Diluc groans, pushing himself off the stool.


"What? Why? I though we were getting along! What about our bonding on the floor?" Childe protests, earning him a shove.


"Shut up. It's not that simple. You're awful," Diluc says through gritted teeth, but he sees Childe's fallen face and knows that he's being wholly unreasonable.


"Awful? When was I awful? I joked around with you, told you about my brothers, and I'm the awful one?" Childe retorts suddenly, and Diluc glances at him in surprise, but lets his own temper flare up.


"You won't stop pestering me, calling me stupid nicknames. Why the fuck can't you just leave me alone?"


"Nicknames are endearing."


"I don't want to be called anything endearing, especially by the walking asshole in my bar. I never wanted you to stay!"


"But why? Why don't you? What is it about me that you find so repulsive?"


Diluc freezes up at that.


Childe exhales, running a hand through his bright hair. "...Diluc? Please?"


He doesn't answer, eyes fixed on his shoes.


"Tell me what you want."


The sound of footsteps gets closer, and all Diluc's air gets knocked out of him when he feels Childe's fingers lace in his ponytail, angling his face upwards.


"Diluc. Say something," Childe whispers, and he sounds so desperate.


Diluc does everything in his power not to meet his eyes, but all fails, and he finds himself entrapped by those blue pools, drowning.


"I don't... I don't hate you," Diluc finally says, and he hates how needy it comes out.


I can't hate you.


"Then? Talk to me. You can't just push me away then smile like nothing happened--"


"You scare me, Childe."


Childe pauses, eyes wide, so Diluc has no choice but to fill the silence.

"You're loud, you're funny, you're---"


"Handsome," Childe adds.


He's smiling.


Diluc closes his eyes. "Whatever. Handsome."


"And charming? Am I charming--"


"And I can't stand you, because you're exactly-- Exactly--" Diluc stumbles.


He feels the comforting presence of Childe's hands on his hips. How long has he been holding me?


With a shaky voice, he finishes, "My type. You're exactly my type."


Diluc's eyes are squeezed shut and he expects a disgusted reaction, but opening them reveals Childe's mouth fallen open in shock, eyes wide and face red.


"You asked me what I wanted-- It's you."




The silence is long.


But befire Childe can say anything, Diluc adds, flustered;


"But I hate it. It's not-- Not something I really want."


Then comes the telltale pink flush on the tips of Diluc's ears whenever he lies. Childe had noticed it when Diluc had said he didn't have siblings. Diluc didn't seem like he knew about it, so Childe would milk it till the inevitable happened:


Till he could make Diluc beg to fuck him senseless.


Unbeknownst to Diluc, that was why he'd come all the way to Mondstadt in the middle of a thundering storm: to find the feisty red-headed beauty with the sexiest ass he'd ever seen who stormed a Fatui camp and rescued the children needed for experiments.


It didn't take long for Childe's obsessed efforts to find Diluc to come to fruition. The guy was a mini celebrity in his hometown.


Childe swore that he wasn't leaving until he could finally see what that ass looked like behind Diluc's tight layers of clothing.


Still, this was Diluc, after all.


"Did you really say that? You want me?" Childe asks, amused, watching Diluc's pretty face scowl and flush.


"To leave. I want you to leave," Diluc enunciates.


There's something about Diluc's refusal to tell him how he feels, something about how easily he blushes or how soft he is behind his brick-tough exterior that sets off all Childe's nerves and he's never wanted to fuck something so bad in his life.


So he grips Diluc's arm and pushes him against a wall.


Their lips are just a breath away from one another, and Childe's arm is pressed on the wall beside Diluc, the other hand hovering beside his face.


The mood has instantly changed, from cheery and warm to almost boiling hot from the tension.


Diluc's mouth parts slightly, eyes wide and he looks ethereal. It takes everything in Childe's system not to just hook both his legs over his shoulders and---


--Yup, way ahead. Slow down.


When Childe finally speaks, his voice is raw. "Don't make this hard for me, darling. Tell me. What do you want?"


He feels Diluc's heart beating inhumanly fast against his, those hypnotic ruby eyes half-lidded and God, he is tempting.


"I..." Diluc closes his eyes and turns away, hands gripping Childe's collar.


"I want you. Just once. I'll go fucking crazy if I don't," The words come tumbling out before Childe can stop them.


From the way Diluc is staring at him in half-shock half-embarrassment, he might have to take matters into his own hands. 





It happens too quickly, almost.


Diluc feels a rush as Childe presses his face into his neck, hands moving all over without permission--


"Childe, don't---"


Then those same strong hands practically lift Diluc and slam him hard against the table stomach-first.


The pain sears and Diluc gasps, winded and shocked.


And angry. Very angry.


"Childe--You ass-- What the fuck are you--"


There's a waft of cold wind that brushes against his body as his pants are suddenly pulled down to his ankles, legs bare.


Fuck. Fuck!


"Childe, no!" Diluc hisses, kicking at his captor. "Not like this--"


His thighs are forced together by Childe's hands, fingers lovingly pressing into his skin.


"Your ass looks so beautiful, you know? Don't know how the men here keep their hands off you," Childe whistles, as if he can't hear Diluc.


He's acting so different. Everything's wrong!


All words escape Diluc as he feels a warm hand prying his thighs apart.


"I want you, Diluc. So fucking much. And if I want something, I won't stop till I've taken everything I  can. Clear?" Childe leans down to whisper into Diluc's ear, all teasing or joking replaced with thinly-veiled lust.


Before Diluc can react, he gets flipped onto his back with his head against the table.


Childe pulls Diluc's legs up to his shoulders, with his ass positioned right below his face.


"Childe! What--"


"I couldn't take my eyes off you when you walked in with that puffy ass on your back last week. Did you think I could just let you go?"


Diluc tries to kick at him, but the words echo in his mind.


Walk in... last week?


He can't breathe.


"You're- You're from the Fatui," Diluc chokes out, and his heart drops at Childe's smile.


"Took you long enough, didn't it?" Childe hums. His grip on Diluc's legs is strong enough to hold him down yet strangely gentle.


He presses a kiss to Diluc's trembling bare leg and Fuck, Diluc feels like his skin has caught fire.


"Ggh-- Stop that-- Filthy--Ah!" He gasps, but releases a shaky breath as Childe sucks a bite into his pale inner thigh.


"You're adorable, Ragnvindr. Has nobody ever touched you like this? Pathetic," His maced words send a fluttery warmth to Diluc's stomach, and he fights to bite his lip closed.


Pulling up Diluc's legs, he slides a finger through Diluc's underwear and tosses it to the side.


"Childe, we can't," Diluc tries.


"Oh, but we can. No one else will find us in the middle of this storm-- not even your nosy troublemaker of a brother,"


"What--Kaeya?" Diluc asks shakily.


"He told me all about you. That you're a loner, who spends most of your weekend bartending. Helped quite a bit with my search," Childe proclaims, as if Diluc hadn't been stunned into silence enough times.


"..Childe, stop this--"


"Let's make a deal," Childe's voice is suddenly icy cold, his grip on Diluc's arms and legs now iron-tight.


"Let me show you what I can give you, hmm? If you don't like it, I'll leave you alone and you'll never see me again. What do you think?"


Diluc clenches his teeth. "You're lying."


Childe chuckles, pressing another soft kiss to Diluc's inner thigh. The feeling made Diluc flush in embarrassment, no matter how much he detested Childe.


"Of course I'm lying. But do you have a choice?"


Diluc's legs are already spread open and bare for Childe's picking, and he shudders to think about what the unpredictable Harbinger might do if Diluc denied him what he wanted.


He closes his eyes, cheeks flushed, and nods once.


Childe clucks mockingly. "Oh, but I need to hear it. Open your legs and beg me to fuck you."


Diluc glares at his impassive face, but the excited part of him urges his hands to pull his legs further open, exposing his ass.


"I... How do I--"


"If you're not begging, then I'll string you up and leave you here till somebody finds you,"




"Ajax. Call me Ajax. My real name," Childe suddenly whispers, and Diluc can't help the heat crawling up his body at those words.


Diluc's shaky hands slip inbetween his hands, opening his legs and Childe catches the dip in his throat.


"..Ajax, please fuck me," Diluc whispers.




Diluc's mouth is bitten shut, eyes clenched, face red with the effort to make no noise--


But the wet feeling of Ajax's tongue slipping in and out of his ass is making it difficult.


"Ugh-- Stop--" He gasps, but his pleas almost fall on deaf ears.


Ajax finally pulls away from Diluc's ass. He traces his fingers on the pale skin now littered with bites and cruises, a smile on his face.


"Archons, you're so beautiful, Diluc," He murmurs admiringly.


He suddenly pulls down Diluc's legs to his waist, and Diluc feels Ajax's erection press against his thigh.


Shit. Panic.


"Ajax, if you would just fucking-- listen-- to-- to me--" Diluc tries, but his mouth is dried up and he can't keep his words steady, all his nerves anticipating Childe's thick cock pressed up between his ass.


Diluc tries to move out of his grasp, but stops in his tracks when he hears a faint thrumming from Childe's vision.


"You know, I've always wanted to try something," Childe murmurs, and his vision glows a little before he kneads the tip of his cock inside his dazed subject--


And Diluc can't help but gasp out in shock, head arched against the table because his body feels liquid smooth and uncontrollably warm, like he's melting.


He faintly hears the sound of his Pyro vision humming with Childe's before Childe suddenly thrusts inside him, and Diluc almost orgasms right there--


"Fuck-- fuck-- Oh--" Diluc can't keep his mouth shut because their Visions are doing something that makes Childe's cock inside him feel like the most pleasure he's ever felt. It's warm and sticky and wet and every part of him feels so sensitive--


"Archons-- You're so tight, beautiful," Childe breathes, leaning down to press a kiss onto Diluc's trembling shoulder. "Don't want me to leave that badly?"


"D-don't-- flatter yourself--" Diluc moans, clenching the table as Childe slowly rolls his hips, rubbing right against his prostate.


Childe fucks in and out of him agonisingly slowly, hands gripping Diluc's waist, guiding him to every orgasm--


And it really is a blessing how much noise Diluc is capable of making.


"Ajax-- fuck-- please--" He practically sobs, legs locked around Childe's hips as he thrusts in and out him, his moans coupled with the lewd noice of skin slapping skin echoing throughout the bar.


Childe suddenly wraps his hands around Diluc's neck, squeezing slightly, and it's a pretty sight how his eyes widen and mouth parts in shock.


"Fuck, you tightened up so hard. What a masochist," Childe practically gloats, watching Diluc's face redden in embarrassment and pleasure.


"Ajax-- I'm-- I'm gonna---"


Diluc's cries only make Childe pound him harder until Diluc's back arches with a sharp cry, and cum spurts from his cock pressed against his stomach.


His head lolls against the table, eyes blown and ass thoroughly fucked, but Childe wasn't nearly finished.


"That's not very hospitable, is it, darling? I haven't cum at all," Childe pouts, his grip on Diluc's ass unyielding.


Diluc tries begging, pleading, anything for just a short break but Childe's unnerving grin tells him his answer.


His insides are jumbled up and doubly sensitive from being pounded, and Childe's incessant sucking and kissing of his mouth and neck is already turning him on again.


"Please-- Childe--"




Diluc's voice is gone, cock painfully throbbing from overstimulation as Childe fucks into him again, and his ass feels like it's going to fucking liquidize from the mixing of their visions.


"How hard do you think I can breed you, Ragnvindr?"


"Uggh-- Mmmh--" Diluc can already feel his next orgasm building, and as Childe's rhythm gets sloppier--


"You're gonna look so pretty with my cum dripping out of you," Childe whispers into his ear, and with a grunt, the last inch of Diluc's resolve shatters when Childe cums inside of him, painting his insides white.


He feels so empty when Childe pulls out of him with an exhale, semen dripping down his trembling legs.


"You did so well for me, Diluc. Such a good boy," Childe coos, stroking his face, and he'd be lying if he said the Harbinger's words had no effect.


He props Diluc up and gently slides a hand inbetween Diluc's thighs, and Diluc buries his face in Childe's shoulder in embarrassment.


"Fuck, look at you. You take it so good, darling. Think you'll get pregnant?" He almost sounds admiring, and Diluc would punch him if he wasn't so tired.


"Shut up," Diluc manages to exhale, and Childe's chuckle is worth the effort.




"Ahh, so sorry I never got the chance to show you around Mondstadt yesterday night. The storm was such a freak show," Kaeya groans, swirling his wine in his glass.


Childe winks, raising his cup back. "Oh, no worries. I had a perfectly great time being acquainted with your brother," His eyes glance to Diluc behind the counter, who's eyes are pointedly diverted away from him, his cheeks faintly red.


"Well, are you free tonight for the tour?"


Childe makes a show of thinking about it. "Aw, I'd love to, but Diluc really wants to show me what goes on in the winery in the evening."


Kaeya's eyes dart to Diluc's poorly hidden hickey-ridden neck to the fingernail marks visible on Childe's shoulders. "Is that so,"



first ayato then diluc.. my moneys on heizhou ong

if this gets like even 2 kudos i'll crap my pants cos do people even ship them...

who should i do next!?