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[PodFic] A Flower of the Vor


Rose_Milburn's Summary:
In this AU adventure Ivan Vorpatril has need of Byerly Vorrutyer's assistance. Ivan has been the man of By's dreams but his illusions are shattered when Ivan meets Raine Vorfolse. Who can By turn to? Perhaps the man of By's dreams isn't a man at all...
Honour, justice and just a little stroke of good fortune might see By staring into the possibilities of happy ever after.


Work Text:


Download/Stream this story here.


Update on other stories:

Still working on OtherWhen, Part IV, have recorded through section 9 and edited through section 6.  I've recorded up through chapter 4 of The Wrong Documents. I've entirely recorded A Distinguished Pillar of the Vor, and Ivan and the Tacky Paper Umbrellas.

Editing is the bane of my podficcer existance.......

I will be taking a maybe break from both of these fandoms for a bit. I'm going to record a Harry Potter PodFic with my daughter which should be fun.

Also the semester is starting on the August 30th and I have some high level time suck class this semester. I don't know how much time I will have for PodFiccing. I will also be getting new laptop in the next week or so that  may or may not effect my PodFiccing.