Work Text:
Download/Stream this story here.
Update on other stories:
Still working on OtherWhen, Part IV, have recorded through section 9 and edited through section 6. I've recorded up through chapter 4 of The Wrong Documents. I've entirely recorded A Distinguished Pillar of the Vor, and Ivan and the Tacky Paper Umbrellas.
Editing is the bane of my podficcer existance.......
I will be taking a maybe break from both of these fandoms for a bit. I'm going to record a Harry Potter PodFic with my daughter which should be fun.
Also the semester is starting on the August 30th and I have some high level time suck class this semester. I don't know how much time I will have for PodFiccing. I will also be getting new laptop in the next week or so that may or may not effect my PodFiccing.