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Chapter 31: FF Dissidia - Gifts and Slumber


Kuja gives Firion yet another gift, but this one is quite a bit different from the normal.


Birthday giftfic for Chaos_Silk! Surprise, have some Kuja/Firion along with your quest of dragons. <333

Chapter Text

Kuja strode arrogantly into Cosmos' tower, eyes scanning the room for the being he was looking for. When he did not find the,, he continued on, ignoring the buzz from the others about until he made his way out to the back courtyard where he finally found whom it was he was looking for.


He approached the other with his air of arrogance as usual, waiting for the other to notice as they seemed to be lost in thought.

Firion's eyes slowly flickered before sharpening as he felt the familiar sensation of magical pressure bearing against his skin before he turned and saw Kuja standing there observing him. He offered the Genome a small smile. "Kuja," He greeted.

The other nodded in acknowledgement before they held their hand out towards him. "Come, Firion. I've a gift for you." They said.

Firion blinked. This was...slightly unusual. Kuja's gifts were usually ones of magic and power or a useful weapon or item he could use, not needing to go anywhere.

"Alright," He agreed after recovering from the surprise, reaching out to take the Reaper's hand. The other waved his free hand, magic glowing at his fingertips as he effortlessly cast the spell of Teleportation, instantaneously warping them from Cosmos' Tower to another location entirely.

Looking around, Firion noticed they were at some kind of cliffside; tall raggedy crags climbing up towards high dug-in caverns. A part of the world he recognized from his journey alongside the Genome as they wandered Servannia during the months he was searching for a reason to rejoin the fight of the Gods.

"What's so special about this place, Kuja?" He questioned curiously as he continued looking around.

The Reaper chuckled quietly before he let go of Firion's hand and raised it to his lips, letting out a loud shrill whistle.

A rumble came from the cliffside itself and from one of the caverns above, a large blot of something emerged from it and took to the sky, arcing around before landing with a shake to the groun d, a low rumbling growl accompanying it.

Firion's mouth dropped open just a little as he gazed at the large creature.

Wings unfurled out, tail sweeping side to side passively, shimmering black scales...

"Th-that's a Dragon." He stated dumbfoundedly.

"Indeed, it is. Majestic creature, no?" Kuja replied airily, smirking.

The Mage reached a hand forward out towards the creature and the Dragon responded by pushing its snout forward to meet their palm.

"...Wow." Firion spoke with quiet awe.

"Don't be afraid of them, I've already taken the liberty of scenting you to him. All you must do is complete the bonding." Kuja informed.

"Wait, you did what?" Firion asked surprisedly as he tentatively stepped forward to stand beside the Genome and slowly reached his hand out towards the Dragon.

The Dragon made a deep rumbling sound as its nostrils flared as it took in the scent before it made a noise of recognition and pressed its snout towards the weaponmaster's hand and nuzzled it fondly.

"That vial of your blood that I asked for; it was so I could scent the creature to you. It recognizes you now. This is your gift. Since I cannot always be at your side while we fight, I found a reasonably suitable companion that can lend you its power and company." Kuja explained. "All you must do is return a vow--a promise to finish the binding and you two will become a force to be reckoned with."

Firion's face held his surprise and wonder as he let his hand pet along the scaly snout of the Dragon, raising the other to scratch under their chin, listening as the rumbling sound similar to a purr increased and the Dragon's stance became laxed and their wings folded in and tail coiled around to the front and rest a small portion of it on the weaponmaster's shoulder as if in greeting.

"What kind of promise?" He questioned.

"Something significant to you. It binds your soul to him, and his to yours. Together, you will fulfil that promise." Kuja replied, flicking a stand of his hair back behind his shoulder.

"Then..." Firion fell silent for a time as he thought, continuing to scratch the Dragon's chin. "Help me remain true to myself. I promise to fight with all my power so long as I remember who and what is important to me without losing my way." He vowed.

The Dragon lift its head, staring deep into Firion's, before its golden eyes began to glow, turning to a bright red and an aura formed around it before it enveloped Firion as well. The glow began as red as its eyes before it turned gold, before becoming even brighter and soon turned to a blinding white before it vanished. The Dragon let out a loud roar of acknowledgment, spreading its wings wide and stood to its tallest on its hind legs in show that the vow had been acknowledged and the bond, finalized before it lowered itself again and pressed its muzzle to Firion's cheek.

"It is done." Kuja stated, a small smile rising to his face. "You should go on a celebratory ride with your new partner." He suggested.

Firion gave the Dragon's muzzle a pat, stroking along the smooth scales before he gave an agreeing nod. The Dragon nudged Firion with its muzzle towards its side and lowered its nexk down to allow him to climb atop.

A little nervous, but not from fear, Firion moved and carefully clambered atop the Dragon at the base of its neck onto its shoulders. His feet carefully settled on its shoulders an his hands found purchase on some of the spiked scales sticking out from the Dragon's neck to hold onto. He'd never flown on a Dragon before and this was different than riding a Black Chocobo with their flight.

"Easy now, this is new to me." He told the Dragon as he leaned closer to the Dragon's neck in preparation for taking off.

The Dragon rumbled a low growl of understanding before it stretched its wings out; with a high jump from the ground, the Dragon lifted into the air with a few beats of its mighty wings and slowly rose up into the air.

Kuja hummed appreciatively and ascended into the air after them with his magic.

Firion looked around as the ground slowly got farther and farther away, able to see far into the distance around them. A smile began rising to his face in wonder.

"There," He pointed out towards a valley off in the distance, gently pulling on the scales of the Dragon's neck to angle its gaze towards it. "Can we fly over they valley? I remember that place." He asked the creature.

With a croon of acknowledgment, the Dragon angled its wings and tucked them just a little to begin into a slight dive in that direction to gain some speed before spreading them wide again to catch a thermal and began to glide and soar at a comfortable pace towards the valley in question.

Laughing a little in delight like a child experiencing a new thrill, Firion held onto the Dragon, feeling the wind brushing against his skin, ruffling the hair that stuck out from beneath his bandana and whipped his cape about. Kuja flew wordlessly along behind, trailing after the two lazily, also recognizing the valley up ahead. They'd camped in that valley on their journey for a time, among the wild Chocobo flock that lived there where the forest met plain, a glistening lake their water source.

Lake Prinos, if he recalled the local name the inhabitants of the world called it.

Such names really didn't make much difference or matter to the Genome in honesty, but it was easier to communicate locations when asking for directions from the local bumpkins when Firion and he undertook some tasks and quests the people needed done so he made a point to remember.

The Dragon let out another rumbling noise, and Firion could feel through the bond its intentions and leaned close, clutching a little tighter onto the scales as the creature began into an angled dive down towards the lake below.

Their speed picked up, and while it caused the weaponmaster's heart to jolt a little and begin to pound, the rush was exhilarating. It was effortless to the Dragon and Firion had to marvel at it as the lake below came closer and closer upon their descent. He was not fearful of crashing, he instinctually trusted his draconic partner from the bond and just allowed himself to take in the sensation and thrill the adrenaline brought him.

When it almost seemed iminent that they would crash into the lake below, the Dragon's wings spread out wide and caught the wind once more and their body straightened out parallel to the ground and they glided almost along the surface of the water, Firion looking at the rippling of the water beneath them from the friction of the air dragging against the Dragon's wings.

The air was cool from the water and he began to laugh again as his draconic counterpart changed its wing direction again and they began to shoot up towards the sky again. Holding on tightly, the climb was over all too soon and they leveled out high in the sky again, almost stalling in the air above, giving the weaponmaster a breathtaking view of the land around.

"Wow..." He murmured in awe.

"Having fun?" Kuja questioned as he glided to a stop beside them.

"It's wonderful." Firion responded. "I didn't think I was missing out on anything, but this... This is amazing." He gave the Dragon's neck a pat. "Thank you. Both of you."

"T'was nothing, merely a means to ensure you are looked after in my absence." Kuja excused as the Dragon let out a rumbling purr-like noise.

"Still... You going so far to watch out for me even now... It means more than I can properly put into words." Firion responded.

Kuja merely hummed, giving a mildly dismissive wave of his hand but the look of pride spread across their expression. "We should return to Cosmos' Tower, lest the others begin to believe I stole you away again." He responded.

Laughing a little at the words, Firion nudged his Dragon partner to bank around, turning them in the direction of Cosmos' Tower, which could be seen even from this distance across the land. "I'm a bit nervous about this, but I want to see just how fast we can go. You ready, buddy?" He questioned to the Dragon.

A roar of acknowledgment responded.

Kuja smirked. "Consider me a little curious to see this as well." He said.

"Let's go!" Firion cried, and barely a breath later the Dragon took off, shooting forward with a mighty beat of its wings.

Despite the long distance, it truly didn't take as long as Firion thought it would to make it back to Cosmos' Tower. The once Midday Sun was now beginning to sink below the horizon, becoming Dusk.

The Cosmos Heroes that were at the Tower were suddenly startled and in awe when Firion landed outside the Tower on his new companion.

Scratching the Dragon's neck and moving up to their muzzle after he had dismounted he rest his forehead on the Dragon's snout. "Thanks so much. I guess I'm gonna have to come up with a name for you, huh? Or do you have one?" He questioned.

The Dragon let out a tiny sounding growl, and Firion was filled with the knowledge the Dragon had a name in its own tongue, that was impossible to speak in Human, so it would like a name in his tongue.

"Okay, I'll think of one for you. Thanks again. There's a place to rest behind the courtyard if you wish to stay there, otherwise you can fly free, alright?" Firion informed the creature.

Nuzzling Firion's cheek with its snout, the Dragon made a noise of understanding before it turned and began to walk on its four limbs towards the direction the other mentioned.

Kuja stood beside Firion, humming inquisiively. "I believe it's time you should intake nutrition for yourself before retiring for the evening, no?" He questioned.

"Hm, yeah, I am rather hungry now that you mention it. I've not eaten since breakfast." Firion responded before he began to walk towards the entrance of the Tower, Kuja floating along beside him.

After eating, Firion returned to his room, Kuja following alongside him.

"Kuja... Thank you. Truly. Your gifts are appreciated." Firion thanked, reaching forward to take the Reaper's hands with his own as he gazed at the Genome fondly.

Kuja's face tinted mildly with a little colour at the earnest thanks, a small smile rising to their face. "There's very little I wouldn't do for you, Firion. These small, paltry gifts are nothing." He responded.

Firion shook his head, stepping closer to the other. "They're not nothing to me," He assured. "They mean everything to me."

Leaning in, the warrior planted a light kiss to the Reaper's lips.

Kuja let out a quiet, pleased noise and when Firion pulled back, the Genome slowly pulled one hand away from the others to bring it up to remove the warrior's bandana and let his fingers run through their hair. "Keep shining brightly for me, Firion." They murmured softly.

"For you? Always." The other answered, just as softly.

Pulling back, the Dark Mage led the other to their bed and urged them to change into their resting clothes. Upon climbing into the bed, Kuja settled himself at the other side, reaching forward to once again run his fingers through Firion's hair, coaxing him into a relaxed lull as his body began to untense and settle itself. The Night was quickly engulfing the land, only the stars and moon glittering above to provide light.

"Rest now," Kuja soothed in a gentle voice. "You are safe."

Firion hummed out a positive note, eyes slipping closed. The Dark Mage began to hum a gentle melody, never ceasing his motions of combing through the other's hair until they'd fallen into a complete slumber.

Kuja waved his free hand, a glow of magic flaring to his fingertips as he drew a small seal in the air. "None shall disturb your rest so long as I am here." He murmured quietly.

The other never stirred, and Kuja silently continued his vigilence, watching over the warrior for the rest of the night.
