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Disfunctional Shigaraki Family

Silver's Home for Abandoned AUs

Chapter 26: Proposal Snippet


Toshinori is Izuku's father figure, but he wants to be more. He wants his boy to be his son for real, and the best way to do that is by marrying Izuku's parent.


Another Vault Day Snippet! I still have a bunch I've forgotten to throw up here from this year. This one was for Antics!

Chapter Text

Toshinori had never understood love- at least, not the type of love Nana had with her husband.  The type of love he knew was for friends and family and no one received that love as strongly as Izuku Midoriya.  Izuku was his son in all but legality, and it had reached the point that Toshinori wanted to change that.  Of course, he couldn’t adopt Izuku, not when he still had a living parent who didn’t seem interested in abandoning him (even if they were never home, even if his boy was lonely).  Kidnapping wasn’t very heroic, and would likely end up with him losing Izuku forever.  There was only one option left- marry Izuku’s father.

Marriage didn’t have to be for love, right?  Marriages of convenience happened all the time.  Toshinori was sure there were other people like him who just wanted the company, not the hand holding and kissing and… whatever else married people did.  He didn’t want any of that.  He just wanted to be there for Izuku as much as possible.

When he presented the idea to Izuku, his boy had nearly choked on his bento.  “All Might, I didn’t know you liked boys?!”

“Ah, no, I mean, personally I don’t really- for anyone, I mean,” Toshinori fumbled for words, cheeks flushing and eyes darting away.  “Not that kind of like.”

“Oooohhhh.” Izuku sat back, relaxing a little.  He smiled.  “I didn’t know that.  But if that’s the case, are you sure marrying my dad is a good idea?  He was always really romantic with Mom before she passed away.  He would bring her flowers and they would go on dates and stuff.”

“I can handle flowers and dates.” Toshinori said.  “Holding hands is fine, but kissing… Well, I suppose I’ll just have to ask him and see how it goes.”

“Don’t worry!” Izuku assured him.  “I’ll set up the perfect blind date for you!  Nothing will go wrong!”

And when Toshinori went to the Midoriya home for dinner, wearing his yellow suit, holding a large bouquet of red roses, from the moment the door opened, everything went wrong.

Red eyes glared him down, freezing his blood in his veins.  “You must be Mr. Yagi.  My Izuku has told me so much about you.” All for One said, hand still on the doorknob, not making any move to invite him in.  “What is your purpose in coming here, All Might?”

I’m here to marry you.  I’m here to adopt your son.  I’m here to kill you. Toshinori's thoughts jumbled and all came out at the same time.  “I am here!  To marry-adopt-kill you!”

All for One raised an eyebrow, smirking in the villainous way All Might had seen him do so many times before.  “Well, which is it then?  I’m hoping it’s the latter- Killing sounds appealing.  Shall we take this outside?”

“No!” Toshinori said hurriedly.  A fight with All for One would destroy the entire city, and he was in no shape to be doing that.  He was trying to retire!  He was trying to adopt his boy in the most ethical way possible!  Panicked, flustered, embarrassed, he shoved the roses into All for One’s chest, breaking the flowers apart and sending a shower of rose petals all over his arch nemesis.

“MARRY ME!” Toshinori nearly shouted.

All for One didn’t flinch.  The petals settled, landing on the ground, though many stuck to his suit or sat on top of his head and shoulders.  Through his steaming red face, Toshinori saw one of his face muscles twitch.  Doors of neighboring apartments began to open to see what the commotion was and All for One let out a slow, steadied breath.

“It seems we’ll have to take this inside then.” The villain said, stepping back and opening the door to let Toshinori inside.

Toshinori saw Izuku behind All for One.  His boy was grinning and gave him a thumbs up.  Apparently, when it came to courting Hisashi Mirodiya, also known as the villain All for One, All Might and One for All’s sworn enemy, he was off to a good start.