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That's how girl spent her seven hundred and ninety-second evening in the Boiling Isles: bloody mandrake salad, grape guts, and Bloodborne.
'Well' She thought 'It could be worse. I could get caught';
Eda wants to help that young Witch that looks so done with life.
Amity wants to find out what's the deal with the new kid enrolled at Hexside.
Willow and Gus want to get to know better that new student.
Belos has heard of a human roaming in the Isles, and he wants them in his grasp.
Hunter wants to please his uncle by catching this human.
and Luz...
Luz just wants to survive. God and/or Titan know that living is not really an option for her
Story arcs:
-The Human Witch: chapter 1-11
-Hexside Days: chapter 12-23
-That House in the Woods: chapter 24-??
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Stressed out Luz is very fun yayyy