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Sandrock Headcanons

Chapter 64: “Wait- That’s my idiot!”


“Come on now! Let’s not do this, we don’t want anybody getting hurt!” Trudy tried her best to get through to them, this plan to fly just wouldn’t work. Everyone knew!
A contraption was strapped to their back, and they seemed like they were going to be testing it, but it looked flimsy at best.
_______ sighed as the watched everyone crowd around worried, “what an idiot, I feel bad for whoever has to deal with them after this-”
Just then, a voice bellowed from the roof, “CITIZENS OF SANDROCK, I AM GOING TO JUMP!”
“wait-!” ________ turned around in panic as the realization hit them, “THAT’S MY IDIOT!”

Chapter Text


“What on Earth do you think you’re doing!?” The mom in Catori comes out as she begins to scold her irresponsible builder. “You’re going to break every bone in your body! Now come down here and we can get some meat head to test whatever you’re testing, maybe we can make a game out of this!”

Catori managed to convince her idiot to come down safely.



“NO!” Every turned in shock as Fang yelled louder than anyone had ever heard before. He was panicked. Even from a distance, his builder could see how much this hurt him. He was shaking and looked ready to cry at the thought of what they were about to do. He assumed the worst in why they were threatening to jump.

They came down safely to help him calm down afterward.



“Can’t jump without this, can you?” Grace holds up an object so small the builder can’t quite figure out what it is. They inspect the contraption they’d made and can’t find anything wrong- but what if they just missed it?

They come down safely to find she was holding a superfluous button from her shirt. She’d tricked them into safely coming down and confiscated the contraption.



“What are you doing?” Haru is obviously horrified! You look like a fool with that thing strapped to your back standing on top of the building like a mangy robot-bird. “You’re going to get hurt! We can’t afford a bill like this.” Logan would probably pay it for you both, but Haru also knows that this will get you to reconsider. You support his goals and know that he needs money for school, so you won’t jeopardize that.

You come down for his sake.



“Ain’t we too old for this?” Howlett cups his mouth and calls up, “I mean you may not be, but I sure am! Too old for a third marriage at least.” He’ll wait for them to think, and if they don’t come down after that, he’ll bargain with them, “Ya want excitement? Let’s make some tomorrow then! I got gliders and a great spot to ‘fly’, let’s make it a date! What’d’ya think?”

It’ll work for the most part, if his SO is very stubborn, they might still do it. In which case he’ll help take care of them but will very firmly remind them why they got hurt and that they are too reckless for their own good.



“Oh c’mon! You’re the idiot this time!?” Justice is flabbergasted, “I deal with fools all day, now I gotta deal with you being a fool? Get down!”

It wasn’t his intention, but his SO stays up there laughing and falls down breaking several bones. He was unsuccessful in talking them down but earned points taking care of the after. He makes it clear they should never do that again though.



“NO!” Much like Fang, he assumes the worst and doesn’t analyze the situation at all. He hears you say, “I’m gonna jump” while on a tall building and freaks. He runs, jumps, climbs, and does whatever he can to get to them before they jump. He grabs them and immediately takes them home.

He learns that they weren’t aiming to hurt themselves, just wanted to test something, but is still shaken enough to very firmly tell them to never scare him like that again. He offers to test all dangerous equipment from now on.



“What an interesting contraption… I wonder if we could apply the flight thrusters to my mech-suit. This would add so much more- oh it didn’t work. Are you alright?”