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Only Bitties in the Building


~did you buy a bitty and then realize you were a creepy fuc-
*Error, you can't just say that to people!

~...ugh, fine. did you buy a bitty and then realize you couldn't care for it? do you need a tiny roommate who has big opinions? well, only bitties in the building is here for you.

*We are the number one--
*--bitty shelter in the Ebbot area! Stop by and ask for me, Ink...
*Error, you have to say the thing!
~... or me, error. this's stupid, ink. 's just us and blue. who else are they gonna ask?
*Sans works the front sometimes!
~ok, fine. asked and answered.

*Anyway! Stop by for all of your bitty-related needs!

. . . . .

{ Ink & Error run the only bitty shelter in Ebott City. As such, they're the go-to team when bitties are in trouble. When the police bust an animal fighting ring that includes a bundle of bitties, they have their work cut out for them rehabilitating and finding happy homes for each of them and their, um, special needs while juggling their meddling families and their upcoming wedding. }

A daily drabble written in 250 words or less per day.



Welcome to my next daily drabble! It will (hopefully) be what it says on the tin: a story that follows the rescue and rehabilitation of a bundle of bitties while also dealing with family drama! And found family! And angst! And comfort!

I hope you enjoy the story. I'm excited to share it with you :)

Chapter 1: one - at the shelter

Chapter Text

“he’s back,” Sans observed.

Error looked up as his boyfriend fiance bustled into the building, dripping wet from the storm outside. “he just wants to help you.”

“don’t need help.”

“you’ve been here over a year.”

Sans huffed and buried himself in the bone-patterned throw blanket that Ink bought him last Gyftmas. Error rolled his eyelights at the small lump that was the shelter’s longest-term (and currently only) resident. 

Bitties had been quite in vogue five years ago when Dreemur Technic announced the luxury designer pets, but people quickly figured out that having hyperintelligent mini-monsters as pets was fucking creepy. Bitties became homeless by the truckload, but they weren’t designed to survive on their own. Seeing them on the news absolutely shattered Ink’s soul.

Thus, Only Bitties In The Building was born, Ebott’s first (only) bitty-only rescue shelter. They worked their asses off to find bitties places where they would be viewed as equals. They’d homed over 100 bitties in the year-and-a-half they’d been open, with Error’s gorgeous fiance as the face and voice of the shelter and Error handling the logistics that kept the doors open in the background.

Before Ink could speak, the front door of the shelter flew open and a harried skeleton in a police officer uniform burst in. “Reaper, what--”

“Got a bust on a ring,” Reaper interrupted. “Whole bundle in needa help.”

Error was already pulling on his jacket to follow Reaper into the pouring rain. “sans, call blue. reaper, lead the way.”