Work Text:
"Oh, Rose Tyler. Stay. Let me protect you from the monsters."
Rose can only stare back at Reinette, swallowing harshly. She could still feel Reinette's lips on her, warm and sweet and oh so soft, but not even that would ever be enough to make her leave the Doctor.
"I'm sorry." she began, "But I'm-"
"She's spoken for." The Doctor cut in, figuratively and literally as he boldly shoved his way between them. "And her dances belong to me, thanks. Now, Rose, I think I've made a breakthrough as to how to stop the clockwork droids..."
Rose doesn't know how they don't get beheaded or something with how rude he is to the King's mistress. Shame he seemed to dislike Reinette so much. Rose was thinking of asking the Doctor to bring her on for a bit after they got everything sorted.
From the way he was acting, though, there wasn't a chance.
Rose glared at the Doctor for his harsh criticism of Martha's quite frankly brilliant plan.
"You know what, Martha Jones? You are one of the most brilliant women I've ever met. Don't worry about what himself is saying over there, he's being a bit of a berk. I haven't seen him act this poorly toward someone since Reinette, who was darling." She told her, taking both of Martha's hands in her own.
"Yes, you would say that, wouldn't you Rose? Got to know Madame de Pompadour pretty well with her tongue down your throat, hmmm?" The Doctor muttered sulkily in a low tone that Rose probably wasn't supposed to hear.
Martha heard it too, from the way that she frowned and looked at the Doctor and asked, "Reinette? Who was that? Was she blonde?"
"Ooooh, yes." The Doctor replied viciously.
"That explains a lot." Martha said, squeezing Rose's hands tightly while she looked away with a frown.
Rose sighed and wondered if it was time to point out that she was also blonde.
From the looks on Martha and the Doctor's faces, it wasn't.
The Doctor had honestly thought they'd be safe in 1913. In several ways.
He sulked as Rose said an overly long, drawn out goodbye to 'dear Joan.'
Apparently not.
"Oh, she's beautiful." Donna was unable to keep herself from breathing as Rose stepped out from the Tardis to join them, dressed in flowing white silk that wrapped around her form and seemed to make her glow.
"Oi!" The Doctor shouted, giving her a look that was Very Betrayed(TM).
Donna jumped and quickly corrected herself, "I'm not going to steal her from ya spaceman, calm down. I was just saying..."
No matter what Donna said after that, the Doctor's suspicious glare didn't let up for three more days.
If this new woman- River Song she'd said she was- didn't release Rose soon Donna was pretty sure the Doctor was going to go nuclear.
Not that either of the women before them seemed to notice.
River had both of Rose's cheeks cupped in her hands and was staring deeply into Rose's eyes.
"Hello, sweetheart." River said softly, before pulling Rose into a deep, lingering kiss that made Donna blush and look away.
Right at the Doctor who she was barely quick enough to catch before he could go charging over and make a right idiot of himself.
Later, she'd think how lucky it was for River that Rose had been there. If River'd had only the Doctor to rely on for her continued existence, she might have lost a lot more to the Library than just a few curls.
"So, you're telling me that this Donna is also a ginger?" Amy asked jealously after being informed that they were going to be paying The Doctor and Rose's old companion a visit.
"Yeah, I think the two of you will get along really well!" Rose said enthusiastically, too busy helping the Doctor steer to pay much attention to the look on Amy's face. "Her husband Shaun is a darling, too."
"Oh." Amy said, visibly brightening. "She's married to a man."
"Yeah?" Rose answered confusedly, looking up briefly before looking back down and slapping the Doctor's hand away from a lever, "No, don't do that, you'll land us months after when we should be."
"Aren't you also married to a man, Amelia?" the Doctor asked pointedly, stepping back from the console with a pout and letting Rose finish their landing.
"Rory can share." Amy said to Rory's sudden coughing fit as he choked on his own spit.
"We're here!" Rose cried, cutting through the Doctor's reply to that, and probably a good thing she did, too.
Some things friendships just wouldn't be able to recover from.
"No." The Doctor said firmly, frowning severely at Clara in a way that didn't fit the way his hair was flopping into his eyes.
Clara crossed her arms stubbornly. "I don't see a ring on her finger, yeah? But from the way you two tell it, she's been with you for years. If you're not going to commit, then don't get all jealous when someone else decides to give it a go."
"She is married, just not to me." The Doctor blurted out.
Clara blinked at him, a little stunned by that, as he grimaced and corrected himself, "Well, not really married here, just in an alternate reality to get her wife to finally agree to kill us- anyway. The point is, I was waiting for the right moment. You are not ruining this for me, Impossible Girl or not."
Clara blinked as she considered it all. "So she was married to a woman? Guess that means I've got a better shot then I thought. Neat."
The Doctor sputtered behind her as Clara turned and pranced away.
The next day he presented Rose with a ring.
"Are you ever going to let me meet Bill?" Rose asked the Doctor, leaning against the console as he did repairs.
"No." The Doctor said flatly. "That is a tempting of Fate that I am not risking."
Rose huffed and shook her head. It was really too bad, but she'd let her husband have this one small indulgence. With the way that Missy kept flirting with her nonstop he was especially sensitive lately.
"And this," The strange woman calling herself the Doctor said, raising her beautiful blonde companion's hand in the air with her own left and proudly displaying their wedding rings, "Is my wife, Rose."
Yasmin sighed, a little heartbroken as her burgeoning crush on the both of them died a sad little death.
Why did all the prettiest ones always have to be taken?