Work Text:
Two more imaginings of the kind of art that Steve might be making by the end of cesperanza’s story 4 Minute Window.
Still not quite what I have in my head, but closer!
8FunkyBlueS, BethSmash, StarlightXNightmare, Magmia_Flare, Joanna_R, Traumweberin31415, Mama_Reads, MerryMerryMerryBandOfPenguins, Ranuel, BachFan, 4KEBS, ALineInTheSand, Sashka_The_Spy, SherryLim, HowOldAreWe, MarmaladeKGnome, Summerfly, Kurloz38, tnebert, kiranovember, Col1999, DroolingFanGirl, Lozza, Manypathstotread, Vaysh, MsMarvelFan, Mizuki_Neko, Dulcibella, Elka_may, Artemisia_maritima, Rhi, themusecalliope, woodcider, rbarr, variousbeings, panisdead, tectonictigress, sugarFree0, smlm, Yeneffer, Fictitious, thudworm, cherry_rain7, geeta43, SilverRaindrops, Raincitygirl, felinefemme, PsycholoGeek, duskgala, nairanai, and 126 more users as well as 54 guests left kudos on this work!