Work Text:
"Whenever I'm alone with you, you make me feel like I am whole again."
Back in the early 2000s, I wasn't born yet, but my mom (known in fandom by the username rhiannonhero) was a big Queer As Folk fan. On her clunky EMachine (I don't even know what that is), she used Windows Movie Maker to make several amateur-ish fanvideos (her words, not mine). My favorite of which was Lovesong (made in 2003, post-season 3).
Now her life has come full circle, not only with me watching the show and becoming fannish about it, but building off her original concept to create an updated version.
I loved her song choice, specifically the cover she chose by Tori Amos (I have no idea where she even found it, since it doesn't seem to have been released officially anywhere, and she doesn't remember either). The internal motion and repeating motif of that one flashy montage clip were really interesting too. I generally try not to reuse clips in my own videos, so I thought it was really cool how she purposely reused one for effect.
I also don't normally use transitions, preferring straight cuts, but in order to keep the same look and vibe of the original, (which used dissolves for pretty much every transition due to the practicality of using Windows Movie Maker in 2003), I experimented with and wound up using a lot of dissolve transitions, which was really quite fun! I was also astonished when she revealed that her method to making her original version was just... dropping random clips in the timeline, seeing how they fell, and keeping them if she liked them. The chaos! I could never. But now I kind of want to try that... I'd have to give up my perfectionism.
I’ve embedded first the new video made by me, both on YouTube and Vimeo per request, and finally my mom's original 2003 fanvideo on Youtube if you want to check it out in glorious 240p quality (the highest quality YouTube would originally allow uploads in).
Greenling, finderskeepers03340, Yvetted, aangelhart, dar_vidder, Grammarwoman, and rhiannonhero as well as 2 guests left kudos on this work!