Work Text:
Tallinn flinches the first time she meets Lambda, she is unused to being so openly seen and even now she’s not sure enough of herself to accept the gaze. Flicka moves slightly to block Lambda’s gaze, then blinks, aware she’s connected to Seven’s memories.
“… I don’t know you, do I?”
“Flicka… Seven’s… Let’s just say I know who you are.”
“Your friend is afraid of me.”
Flicka barks a laugh then, noting Tallinn’s sigh from behind her.
“No. She’s not. You just surprised her. She’s not used to being seen so clearly.”
Tallinn moves closer and Flicka smiles, curling a hand at her hip as she puts a warm arm around her.
“Tallinn, you know Lambda… Seven’s Ranger friend?”
“Do I?”
Flicka huffs a sigh then, her voice softly warning.
“The one who Raffi always mentions?”
“Oh. Oh of course. From Coppelius… got it.”
Flicka laughs slightly then, rolling her eyes.
“So Lambda… Seven said you needed a ride?”
“She.. did?”
“She’s missed you, not that she’d say it.”
Flicka’s grip hasn’t left Tallinn’s waist and Lambda smiles a little.
“Well, I suppose we’d better get back.”
There’s a quiet tension in the air before Lambda comments from behind them as they walk back to the car.
“You make a cute couple by the way…”
Tallinn trips slightly and Flicka laughs again, shooting an affectionate gaze at her wife.
“Thanks Lamb…”
They are quiet on the ride home but Raffi grins the second they arrive, calling for Seven with such gentle excitement that Flicka laughs, excusing both herself and Tallinn to take a walk.
“Why did Lambda bother you so much?”
“They just… seemed to know everything in one look.”
“Lambda’s not that bad Talli… really.”
“No. I know I just… wasn’t ready to be seen that clearly.”
“I see you… all the time. Did from day one…”
“You are my… were always…”
Tallinn sighs and her voice softens.
“I’m an idiot.”
“No, just delicate. I think you earned that right.”
Flicka pauses then smiles slightly.
“We should head back inside, you know Raffi’s cooked an entire meal already… as always.”
Tallinn glances at Flicka then, then agrees softly.
Lambda is already relaxed, slotting into a role as one of ‘the kids’ even as Tallinn tries to relax, Flicka’s smile soft even as she bowls them both food, scrambled eggs and, in her case, bacon. It’s an unusual meal, but she has grown used to it.
“Seven never told me her sister was… like us.”
That gets Flicka’s attention and she laughs softly.
“Didn’t know I was myself actually… before Talli.”
“Well, I’m happy for you.”
Tallinn sighs then and relaxes, aware of Laris’ sideways glances even as she joins them all. Elle and Elnor settled beside Two and teaching them to play with the cat Tallinn brought home with her one evening.
Five smirks at Flicka, then looks away, her voice low.
“So we have a new family member…”
“We do.”
Flicka smiles.
“Welcome home Lambda.”
Later, when Tallinn is more relaxed, she seems to be able to communicate her apology to Lambda, her voice softening even as she talks about her old work, explains that even now she is unused to being seen and seen so clearly, but that it was never fear, just surprise, confusion… and a little worry that she was too ‘strange’ for other people.
It's an awkward Olive branch to offer, but Flicka smiles all the same, aware that both are now on the same page, and Tallinn is starting, with Lambda’s help, to believe what she’s always told her. That she is family, she is safe and she won’t be judged harshly here.