Chapter Text
Five years later.
Malfoy was pacing when Hermione stepped out of the floo, and her mouth curled into a satisfied smirk.
He immediately engulfed her in a hug, kissing her temple while one hand stretched over her protruding stomach. "I knew you could do it," he whispered, nipping at her ear.
When she resigned from her position as a Curse Breaker three years ago, she and Theo opened their own private practice into magical law. The business was unusual due to also becoming a tattoo parlor on the weekends; their floo connected to St. Mungos where werewolves could be treated with magical tattoos infused with wolfsbane.
Their work on both business fronts were profound in systemic change in the Wizarding World. Werewolves were often too impoverished for purchasing the ingredients for wolfsbane every month, but wolfsbane tattoos allowed for a cheaper alternative, only needing to renew the dose every two years. (Finding out two years was the frequency between doses had not been a pleasant affair to say the least but no one had been hurt and that's what she insisted mattered most.)
Hermione's work around protecting the survivors of domestic violence changed the course of DMLE investigations and proceedings among the Wizengamot. Testimony to the court were done without the abuser present, relevant and modern legislation was passed regarding protection and privacy laws, and there was now collaboration between the DMLE and St. Mungos Mind Healing Division. There was more work to be done, of course, but Hermione was pleased with the current trajectory.
Today however had been a slightly different turn of events. Hermione had faced against Daphne Greengrass in a civil suit to revoke her license.
She thought Daphne had shown a twinge of pity during the disastrous trial five years ago, which made her hesitant to seek retribution. However the witch continued on with slandering Hermione in the Prophet and Witch Weekly - adding fuel to the fiendfyre of Ron's death, Hermione's trial, and her relationship with Malfoy.
Hermione was determined to see Daphne Greengrass legally torn apart (though Blaise helpfully offered his services, off the books).
And she fucking did it.
"Watched as her contract was incinerated before her eyes," Hermione murmured as Malfoy made a trail of hot kisses down her neck. "Will be in the Prophet tomorrow."
She felt his smirk as he continued his ministrations, licking and nipping at her skin.
"How long do we have?" Hermione breathed, eyes beginning to roll as he palmed her heavy breasts.
Malfoy hummed but didn't respond as he placed a pillow on the arm of the sofa and bent her over, bunching up her dress over her arse before unzipping his trousers.
She moaned as he reached around to play with her clit until she was a begging and writhing mess.
"They're due back anytime," he whispered low in her ear before thrusting into her wet cunt.
Hermione couldn't coherently reprimand him for his callousness; her pregnancy hormones simply didn't give a damn.
His fingers dug into her wider hips as he pounded into her, something he repeatedly told her he loved, as he praised her in a low growl for taking his cock.
It didn't take long for them both to finish and while Hermione caught her breath, Malfoy was quick to cast freshening charms and clean his release dripping down her thighs.
He helped fix her dress and tame her curls back into her plait before voices down the hall could be heard.
One particular giggle had them both exchanging soft smiles.
Being swung between Blaise and Theo was a young girl with curly white-blonde hair and piercing silver eyes.
"Mummy!" she squealed, quickly letting go of her uncles and running until she reached her mother's leg.
Hermione grinned and picked her up, ignoring the disapproving look from Malfoy for lifting. "How's my sweet, Lyra?" she whispered, rubbing her nose against her's.
Malfoy wrapped his arms around them both, fingers absentmindedly running through his daughter's curls.
"Ice cream!" was her simple answer, giving them a toothy grin.
Hermione shot the two wizards an exasperated look. "She's only two!"
Theo and Blaise shrugged simultaneously, unbothered.
"So?" Blaise asked with a raised brow. "Am I pillaging the House of Greengrass in two weeks?"
Hermione smirked. "Pillaging has been taken care of."
"That's not all that's been pillaged," snickered Theo, earning a light stunner from Malfoy.
Theo pouted as Lyra giggled, far use to their antics even if she didn't quite understand the context.
"Leo?" Lyra asked, patting Hermione's stomach gently.
"Leo is doing good," she said, moving her daughter's hand so she could feel her brother kick.
Lyra gasped. "Hi, Leo!"
Malfoy chuckled, taking Lyra into his arms.
It was Hermione's turn to pout but he only raised a brow, kissing her cheek. They still had two months until Leo's arrival but apparently she "did too much". He took Healers' orders very seriously, despite her reassurances that she was fine.
"When is Potter and his gremlins due to arrive?" Blaise questioned, checking his watch.
"Anytime now," Hermione said, checking her's as well, ignoring Malfoy's snort.
Theo hummed, taking Blaise's hand. "We'll be right back... need to fetch a few last minute gifts from our guest suite."
Hermione rolled her eyes as they practically ran from the room.
Last minute gifts, her arse.
Pip suddenly popped in with a bow. "Miss Brown is here."
She tried not to make a face and nodded. "Thank you."
"Pip!" Lyra squealed, squirming out of her father's hold. "Play?"
Pip grinned and held out a waiting hand, the two soon skipping away in the direction of the play room.
"Do you want any company?" Malfoy murmured, bending down to pat Nox on the head who had slinked into the room, his loud purring filling the silence.
"No," Hermione sighed, summoning two small parcels from underneath the tree. "It's always quick."
He nodded, biting his tongue.
She knew he didn't understand why her and Lavendar stayed in touch, but he didn't question their... acquaintance-ship.
Hermione made her way to the front of the manor, chewing her bottom lip. Honestly their exchanges were always brief, if not awkward. A quick exchange of pleasantries here and there was all it was.
Her Mind Healer suggested perhaps this was how she reconciled with the past but all Hermione knew was she somehow felt lighter after their interactions, even if it didn't make much sense.
Lavender, still wrapped in her winter coat, stood in the entrance hall. One hand held a bright pink gift and the other was holding her daughter's hand, Rose.
Rose sported wavy red hair, but thankfully inherited her mother's dark brown eyes.
"Hermione," said Lavender with a nod, giving her an awkward side hug. "How are you?"
"I'm alright," she said as the two briefly exchanged parcels. "Leo however, seems to always have a foot lodged in my ribs."
Lavender laughed, looking down at Rose who watched between them curiously. "I was fortunate that Rosie was an easy pregnancy."
Hermione smiled. "Spending Christmas with the Weasley's?"
She sighed, her nose wrinkling. "I think I might be dropping Rosie off this year. It's still... a lot."
Hermione nodded in understanding. Molly and Arthur were always cordial but even she had difficulty going to the Burrow. Molly seemed to pretend Ron died in the line of duty as an Auror and not from his mistress during a rape trial.
"I have a date though," Lavender whispered, wiggling her eyebrows. "He's a Muggle but such a prince charming!"
She smiled politely but didn't ask for more details and the pair soon left, Rose's curious eyes never leaving her's until they disapparated.
Hermione heaved a sigh before returning to the library, soothing a rambunctious Leo with caresses against her belly.
She was still healing after everything Ron put her through, naturally. However the night terrors had lessened, her confidence grown, and she was happy.
As she stood in the doorway to the library, her smile grew.
Harry and Ginny were laughing at something Theo said, his arm wrapped around Blaise's waist.
Albus and Lyra were chasing after Nox, giggling as they went. She knew they'd never catch him but the Kneazle seemed to enjoy their little game.
James was talking excitedly to Malfoy about Quidditch much to her husband's chagrin which is probably why the other adults were snickering nearby.
He noticed her presence and quickly made his escape as politely as he could to a six-year-old, joining her in the doorway.
Malfoy's arm wrapped around her waist, his hand on her belly in an attempt to calm his son. "Potter's spawn -"
" - is a wonderful little boy who adores you," Hermione finished sweetly, kissing his cheek.
He rolled his eyes, but she knew he truly didn't mind.
"I love you," she sighed softly, nuzzling her face into his neck.
"I love you too," he whispered, and she felt him burying his face into her curls with a content sigh of his own.
She relished in this moment... Malfoy's warm embrace and whispered adoration, Leo's kicking, Lyra's faint giggles...
Hermione was happy, safe, and loved. This wasn't a typical happily ever after but it was enough for her.