Work Text:
Hermione points her enchanted sword towards the Slytherin boy's throat. One word and she'll swipe it. One word and she'll end it all.
"You're beautiful," Harry says, looking up in wonder. And Hermione's thoughts come to a screeching halt.
An H/Hr fanart.
aka Enemies to Lovers
Where Harry and Hermione are less than friends but fall in love due to certain circumstances.
This is my submission for the hms harmony discord's
MAYhem event!
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
ladyreaper92, Introbird, Red359, KiraTheSpacebunny, Soonielesb, sphoenix104, W0rdsareliketherapy, Gardian_Floccus, LovelyStardust, AwildCAPRICORGIhasappeared, SakuraHUH, Notfish0, KarkaRainbowTeam, Life_sucks_life, Bantoo, Armchair_Biologist, Yamiai44, GwendolynPeakes77, QuercusSylvatica, Pearbellini, Theundeadmaiden, devilscrytears, thedeadliestpieceontheboard, rafsolo, Dream_Keeper, brynnabeth, AleSaez06, DracoWiccaAcolyte, Cliddlethrundings, Lilcmi, Flying_Flitwicks, Dandalion_Dan, MaliaSlytherClaw, Nene70, Yhw, Ficloversyndrome, Srta_Potas_U3U, Ratchet9cooper, AliceMirror, goblin_of_hell, Anonymous_wyvern, Saphirien, Redly24, psychelio, Bruisedtulips, Syngnathus, Lucede12sole, lys_mara, S_nake, bluegoldrose, and 111 more users as well as 83 guests left kudos on this work!