Work Text:
The Heart Of The Force Is Being Embraced
Background: The Galactic Empire was in full strength, and the favorability of the Imperial Senate waned. On Coruscant, the Imperial Galactic Center, a tiny sector was out of Emperor Palpatine’s reach. Near Sac’h Town lies the Coruscanti Pleasure Dome, a private estate and casino club owned by the newly inaugurated Senator from Haruun Kal, Yemaja Mlise Lah. With little interference from the Imperial agencies, the Galactic Elite met there while on Coruscant privately. Crime families and smugglers had access. Some Imperials were permitted there. Whatever happened there was held in a shroud of secrecy. There would be a passionate scandal if the news teams caught anyone there.
While the Emperor had his suspicions of the kinds of illicit activities at the Club, he was more concerned by the location and buildings absent in the Force. This void disturbed him, and when he sent his spies to investigate, they would be addicted to “Glitterstim” –a spice recreational euphoriant and babbling idiots. He was puzzled how his guards would turn that way, and if he openly attacked Senator Yemaja Lah, he would break a treaty in which he would be outed as a Sith, and his treason for Order 66 against the Jedi would be broadcast to the public.
The estate and club were a concession by Senator Yemaja’s family, the Domain Lah of the Yuuzhan Vong Empire. Implants placed by the doctors, Master Shapers subconsciously suggest that she infiltrate the Senate by a fixed election on Haruun Kal and obtain key planets along the Hydian Way trade route from its people. These planets were of no concern to the Empire, but for the Yuuzhan Vong, it was a wellspring of biological wealth. Her other orders were to seed Coruscant with Yuuzhan Vong biological weapons for terraformation. The original plan was to leverage planetary seeding over the current Galactic government. Still, when there was a coup, the Yuuzhan Vong elite changed the method for a full-scale invasion. However, for the Yuuzhan Vong, it took years for biological ships to mature. While they waited, they decided to send spies to infiltrate the Galactic Empire.
Senator Yemaja was half-Yuuzhan Vong and half-Human. She had biological implants surgically placed into her to manipulate her variegated Force powers, which were very powerful. Still, she could not use them at will, and thus she was challenging to train. Without her implants, she was mentally ill. She was impulsive, promiscuous, and had random clandestine affairs. She developed a spice drug addiction. It embarrassed the Domain Lah, and her father recruited the right Master Shapers to zap her into being the manipulated spy they wanted.
With the implants, Senator Yemaja’s negotiation skills rivaled some Jedi. Before the end of the Jedi, they sought Yemaja for training. But her mother, Auset Lah – a "shaped human" by the Yuuzhan Vong who once was a Jedi padawan, outright refused. Her refusal affected Yemaja’s life. If the Jedi could not have Yemaja, the Sith would take all she knew and loved.
This is a tale of that possibility.