Chapter Text
So... I made a thing. This is basically the story but as an audio book / podcast kind of style where I tried to use voiceAI to imitate Pyke's voice.
Hero_Quest, 0Panda_monium0, KaiReiYu, scx, kaelly, Cursed_Cubes, midmei, Shippershipship, candydosvale, ScreamingScience, Mersa, Melaynie, linderegg, LousyCamper, ByAGhost, Foxy_the_ghoul, dani_harmss, JustNoke, 404NobodyFound, infinity_times, ShlefAnne, TheMiseryPie, Wayuwee, Boogiety, caluminous, mxria_pi, Sennamoro, Marticious, Crimson_Voices, kascaboota, CODEj130, Z_Abyss, FleetingEuphoria, Lapcat02, larynx_lynx, Rujii, KaneSplasci, Icegrandmage, SimpForDarthVader, Don_Gondon, abstractnero, Givemeabreak_hetare, NoxNocturnus, JellicleFicsForJellicleCats, RhysKaysom, gliitchypromises, Stardust_4, seokjynerso, LedgendWeaver, Bispecsual, and 6 more users as well as 69 guests left kudos on this work!