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You love Animal Crossing. When your friends got switches, you got them the game. However, you made them wait to start the game until you could all start it together. The night is a disaster, to say the least. But living out Animal Crossing WAS a dream of yours...


You love the game. You are now in it.


Should I be starting another chapter fic when I have no finished ones to this date? No... I'm totally going to anyways, though. This is my attempt at combining Undertale and Animal Crossing. It's going to be an absolute train-wreck, but I hope you sick around to enjoy it. Toodles!

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter Text

You couldn't wait. You were finally going to showing your favorite game to your best friends. After they'd got a Switch, you got them a copy of Animal Crossing. You loved that game. You had made them wait to start the game until you could all have a get together to start it, and you'd reset you island. You hadn't expected Toriel, Chara and Frisk to come watch, but if they wanted to (And it was more likely that Chara and Frisk had wanted to come, and Toriel decided to come along.), they could. At the doorbell, you ran to get it. Toriel smiled at you, and Frisk ran to hug you. The reserved 11-year-old Chara hung back, but then hugged you too.

"It's good to see you, (Y/n)." Toriel said. "Are the others here?"

"Yeah! I can't wait to show Animal Crossing! You'll love it!" Frisk ran to your living room, and plopped down on your couch. Chara sat next to them, and you and Toriel managed to squeeze onto your loveseat.

"Alright!!! Let's start!!!" Undye said. Really, she shouted, but that was normal for her. Undyne was sitting on the floor, next to her girlfriend, Alphys. They both had a Switch. They, apparently, had some coupons and had spent them in a sale at the electronics store. 

"WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOREVER! I WANT TO PLAY!"Papyrus wasn't the most patient monster out there. He was seated a foot away from Undyne, and he was entirely too loud. Sans was stretched out next to him, but he was used to Papyrus's noise. You, despite the fact you'd been friends with Papyrus for nine months, hadn't gotten used to his near-shouting. 

"calm down. let (y/n) get his switch on." Sans said languidly. It didn't surprise you in the least that Sans knew your pronouns today. Mostly because you'd told him, and the rest of friends, already, but also because Sans seemed to know things like that. You showed Undyne, Alphys, and Papyrus how to pop out their Switch's stands, and they got the Switches started. You put them up on the folding table that also held your 6-year-old TV, so that Toriel, Chara, Frisk and Sans could see them. Everyone loaded up the game, and Undyne challenged Papyrus to get to the island choosing stage before she did. Then it was on. Undyne and Papyrus were done a good 2 minutes before you and Alphys caught up with them.

"How about we pick our island at the same time?" Alphys said.

"Ooh! YES!" Undyne thundered 

"Ready?" You ask, your thumb hovering over the A button.

"Three..." Toriel started the countdown

"Two..." Chara murmured. 

"one..." Sans continued

"Now!" You said, probably a little louder then needed. At the same moment, all of the lights went out. Even the Switches, which were technically separate power. Toriel summoned a little fire magic, but it was no more than a mere spark before it was cut off, and a strangled yelp was heard. A few seconds later,the lights flickered on and your grandfather, who had moved in with you, came in to find an empty room.

You were walking on a dock, you came out, only to see the sky of Animal Crossing, threatening to rain. One by one, you, Undyne, Toriel, Chara, Papyrus, Dr. Alphys, Frisk and Sans left the Animal Crossing airport. Sans, who was the last out, looked around and said a-possibly overused, but famous nonetheless- one-liner.

"i don't think we're in kansas anymore."