Chapter Text
"But we already had that. I clearly remember the FLAME OF BRAVERY getting lit on Avengers Compound.
Heck, i even remember Mrs. Stark being present in that event and if m not mistaken Thor was also there."
You looked at everone but they all looked like they have seen a ghost or maybe a stupid person blabbering right in front if them.
With bucky and his lies you were scared for your heart only but this kind of reaction from man like fury was giving you chills for your life.
Once again you turned back your expectations to you former 'love of my life'
" Bucky, you must remember it. You can't forget that steve also came to give his tribute to Iron Man and BlackWidow."
You looked around but still got no reaction, so you turned to Captain America's sidekick,
"Sam, how can you forgot this? Steve stood right in between you and bucky. You even got a pictute with three of you together."
" No, i didn't."
"Yes, you did. You showed it to me. COME ON! everyone knows about Flame Of Bravery.
Again Hill was the one who gave you reply,
" yes, its name is Flame Of Bravery, we know that but noone else know that.
We haven't published the name to public yet because WE DIDN'T HAD THAT EVENT TILL NOW.
It's next week."
You looked dumbly at her face,
" So you are saying that I can predict future now. "
" I never said that, " she looked at bucky,
" unless someone really told you all secrets of shield. "
" No,,,no, we didn't met each other during this event. I saw it on T. V only because we met after that event. "
Bucky also didn't know about this Flame Of Bravery or anything like that then howcome she knows Shield's upcoming event.
He heard you talking about Steve, his return still hurts him just like it hurted him that day. It pained his heart that Steve had Peggy over him in his priority list.
He knows he can't expect him to miss the chance of his normal life for him, his so-called best friend, but he also knows steve deserves that selfishness after what he went through.
That's why he didn't said anything to him even after knowing that he will return to peggy and he will not do anything to save him from Hydra.
That was a very bitter pill he had to swallow. And now it doesn't feel right to meet him any more. Afterall he got his family and he is still stuck in body of this tortured man with a very old soul.
This is exactly what he feels, TRAPPED.
His list of questions is increasing with her every next statement. And hill sure said that she is not predicting future but howcome she knows about this event.
" Did i introduced you to Thor, Dr. Strange and Spiderman?"
" Stop with your acting now, we are already broken up and yes, you were the one who took me to meet them."
Sam had his own list of questions,
" You are lieing, how can you meet them when you didn't even attended it with bucky. "
" I said i met him after that, i never said i met them there.
What's wrong with your brain? Is Sarah not giving you enough seafood and did she gave you more than you could handle? "
" Hey! Stop talking about my sister and how the heck do you even know her and DON'T DARE YOU CALL HER TO SNITCH ON ME. "
Before you could say anything, FOR THE FIRST TIME, Happy talked to you like a normal person
" Maybe you hacked or did something with shield's intel but how do you know about Pepper's schedule? "
You didn't answer his question because you were busy digesting his abnormal behavior towards you. Happy continued after not getting answer,
" Pepper's schedule is highly secretive, only her personal team and i know about it. "
" How did you got this information?"
This_____This was the point where everyone in the room was like 👁️👄👁️
Even you felt something hit your brain,,,, a question
" As i said earlier, i saw here on TV and Thor too",
You said cautiously while trying to read the room.
Fury knew he was right about this girl.
" Here's the thing, that Flame Of Bravery will happen on next week and No, before you blame me too for deceiving you, i ain't got time to do that."
" Ok sir"
" I don't know what but something is missing in your equation and i know a perfect man to who loves brain storming, so you will not leave this compound until we reach him."
Fury gave his not order but command and you are no one to say NO to him.
He turned towards bucky and sam," You both will stay on compound too. Noone is leaving without my permission."