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Bilbo hasn't relieved himself in weeks, and decides to take matters into his own hands while he's on watch. But there is one dwarf that hasn't yet fallen asleep... (Comic)
I think most authors have a sneaky sex story in this fandom, and this isn't even my first one! I really like this kind of premise, and I hope you will enjoy it, as well!
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
I use the semi/public sex tag way too often, don't I? 😂
viiwa, catunderthetable, Skating520_musicaholic, Whispering_Merely, darling_cecily, maxieldnfr, Aisuru_67, Basks_in_Sunlight, Cris_0713, chocolateteas, feralmouse, unpleasant_goblin, WalkersAnnoyingVoice, Ren_Ren, Sinno, loveme_anyway, Miluiel_Erynion, TheWalrusWrites, maOTPsringbearer, mermaids_gotta_eat, cowcat19, Kittyqueen15, Reina25, GrumpyOwl, Alucardslefttitty, i_read_you_write, ScepticalTardigrade, theclichefortunecookie, carryonmywaywardbich, ramen_rules, BabbleFish, Artzghost1, goodday, InconspicuousReaderQueen, berlinkiii, fireglow14, NinjaDragonWhat, mzuschke, ki1o, Neptunes_moonshine, moonixchx, Nyx_Stories_Unknown, DrakeShadeDShadowheart, Marti_loves_cakes, pickled_roses, Dragongirl40, gaysmian, ByJoveWhatASpend, DizzyTrix, Citrus_4Auratium, and 2408 more users as well as 1038 guests left kudos on this work!