Work Text:
For Small Fandom Bang - Round ONE
All of these are wallpapers and are larger than displayed here.
The Incorrect Path:
Awakening Drake:
A New World:
The New Future
Small Fandom Bang Round One - Art created for Taibhrigh's story Righting the Universe
For Small Fandom Bang - Round ONE
All of these are wallpapers and are larger than displayed here.
The Incorrect Path:
Awakening Drake:
A New World:
The New Future
Towel_Acquired, rhianon76, RavenBlack, ladyserenity0000, keyairreem, DVV1973, Aratmiel, wrennette, rainbowFyire, TheFerretLord42, Saeraphyna, Vladisyl, VectorAlpha, Scholar_Ximara, pegleg0721, para_bellum, isaz_kenaz, jujukittychick, Marsuvees, Naisa, DragonSoul14, saturnsprite, Stormfrost, ArticAlphaWolf, paper_wrangler, ventte, Lady_Anne_ONymous, Lygtemanden, Quarra, Selesta13, SkyeWater24, Ineedthisname, bi_nocturnal_g, Mt_Cute_Cat, Odra_Drien, CaitlinWells, CortGray, Lusinka, verygoodsir, Starlan, Sapphirethief, luminousblade, LadyYavanna, Wraithantilles, PaleAngel_90, bindsy, LittleMoonHiden, Tamahii, MuveMuse, KeyKeyYaoi, and 105 more users as well as 121 guests left kudos on this work!