Work Text:
Four attempts to imagine and create the kind of art that Steve makes and Bucky shows Natasha near the end of Speranza’s story 4 Minute Window.
Update: Now displayed at full resolution.
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Thanks for the great story, Speranza! I hope you’ll find these of interest–I enjoyed the experiment of making them!
8FunkyBlueS, StarlightXNightmare, xiaokuer_schmetterling, Magmia_Flare, Joanna_R, Traumweberin31415, Mama_Reads, MerryMerryMerryBandOfPenguins, FanficFairy67, BachFan, 4KEBS, ALineInTheSand, Sashka_The_Spy, SherryLim, bubbasmom, waynesbruce, HowOldAreWe, SwingsetChain, MarmaladeKGnome, solbenson, agusele, Kurloz38, tnebert, kiranovember, Col1999, Leydhawk, Kamil, Feral_sunflower, Lozza, EVE_IV, mmouse15, Manypathstotread, Vaysh, MsMarvelFan, watyonameisgurl, vixxer, Trevelyn, tayaris_limye, Mizuki_Neko, LAnonyme, Elka_may, Artemisia_maritima, Rhi, themusecalliope, woodcider, rbarr, Red_dynamite, deadalien, variousbeings, tectonictigress, and 195 more users as well as 88 guests left kudos on this work!