Work Text:
[A/N: this went without a description for a million years. oops.]
Art of the outfit Cody wears during the night out in Chp 3. <3 As done by deniigiq.
For chp 3 of sunshine: deniigiq was a doll, a peach, an entire egg fruit, and did this up in honor of Cody wearing something nice and comfy. I am determined to keep that man in soft things for the rest of his life.
Thank you for this - and if we need to reconfig this post or w/e to give proper credit, we will absolutely. I just didn't want to forget this piece, as it was done early in the chapter's conception and I nearly lost my mind about it.
Quinn84, LMaster37, Bookcrazysongbird, deargoodbye, wynnesome, LiesandTruths, Arktisol, ardent_crow, Crossdimensional, Josiah_Greenwood, johavenumbers, Ms_NothingSpecial, AsexualReptile, intothestars_underthesea, LevPurchinov, Flamingoat_II, Yeeterphone, Kyleri, raven_knight_emrys, apollooooo, DiamondGryphon, sadexcitedcorvid, earwax420x, Gintrinsic, ADragonsFriend, Octopipeline, violentcheese, managerie, L0cus_Flow3r, AsterRoc, Forallthefours, TheMostChaotic, moneko, LizBosa, FishieMishie, walkingonsunshine, Absinthe03, ca11iop3, Wraithantilles, Soras, phantom_of_the_keurig, Cross_d_a, bookingit, CatnipEvergreen4, KristinaG, Maelstrom15, lesquatrechevrons, neptunesenceladus, Jalila, chaitkovsky, and 354 more users as well as 100 guests left kudos on this work!