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Chapter 5: King Richard

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Richard was laying back on the beach soaking up the sunlight, and slowly drifting to sleep, unaware of what was going to happen when he did. As he slept a man walked over to him, making a circle in the sand around him as the man’s magic amulet began to glow. The man stepped forward into Richard, his body melting into him as he possessed the hunky star.

When ‘Richard’ opened his eyes he was someone else, the man who possessed him was in control, his previous body morphed into and grew his current body. The end result was a new more muscular, bodybuilder-like Richard Madden controlled by the man who possessed him.


The new Richard knew exactly what to do, so a plane trip later he was waiting in Kit Harington’s house having used the spare key. When Kit sees Richard’s sunglasses he immediately falls into a trance. Richard begins to rub the mindless Kit’s shoulders as he whispers into his ear.


“Hello Kit, it’s me Richard, your king. Yes, your king, you obey me with questionless loyalty. You will serve me however I see fit and dedicate yourself to me.”

“Yes my king, I am your humble servant.”

“Good my subject but first let me bestow you a gift.” And as Richard continued to rub his shoulder, Kit began to grow and expand much like Richard did until he too had bodybuilder-like proportions.


“Thank you my king, I shall use this gift to serve you.”

And so is the tale of Richard and Kit. The musclebound king and his equally buff subject.