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Femslash February 2022

Chapter 27: Rainbow - Chrisjen x Bobbie

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On her 100th birthday, Chrisjen let her hair go gray. The aches and pains Bobbie’s picked up during decades of touring galaxies in her power armor have convinced her to stay more and more on Earth. The reality that she was older and she no longer knows how many more years Chrisjen has contributed to the decision.

There was a small party at Kiki’s house on a wonderfully restored piece of Earth. Kiki never lost her love of gardening and now she and several other families grew food in the rich, dark soil. Chrisjen sat in a chair in the sunshine of Kiki’s small personal garden, filled with the flowers her children picked and Bobbie sat on the ground next to her, her head resting against Chrisjen’s thigh. As her great-grandchildren ran through the sprinkler, the water refracted rainbows across the yard. Chrisjen absent-mindedly ran her fingers through Bobbie’s hair as she showed her appreciation for all the tricks and skills the children needed their Amma to see.

Taking a break from watching the children, she looked down at Bobbie. “I’m not dead, yet, Bobbie. You don’t have to look like that.”

Bobbie turned her face and brushed her lips across Chrisjen’s knee. “I know. It’s just that this number - “

“- is scary. I understand. But I’m a stubborn, old bitch who is nowhere near ready to die.”

Bobbie smiled. “I love you,” she murmured.

“I love you, too.”

They stayed like that, watching the children play until Ashanti and Kiki brought out a birthday cake. Bobbie joined in with the singing and the teasing, surrounded by Chrisjen’s family, her family. She always thought her life would end with a bullet in some far-flung part of space, but she was quite happy to live out her remaining years this way.