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tater tots for the queen
This is a work of fiction. Viewers are advised to never interrupt a cool babe who is reading a book in public unless you are also a cool babe and can provide tater tots.
- For bladesandstars.
A chocobox gift for bladesandstars. Happy chocobox <3 I picked this original pairing tag and had a lot of fun making this comic but actually nobody seems especially sheltered in this scenario... I hope you enjoy the spirit of it anyway!
Lavender_garden_bugs, Puddlewater, fallintolife, iloveboobies27, Diamond_Dynamo, Allegory_Allegorier_Allegoriest, earphone_account, CamelliaOleifera, lev_son, Galeas_the_Knight, smarky, Aspen_Gray, queerinfection, tymv12, bakamegami_sama, Gay_Panic, SurprisinglyBlank, Luzula, berryburrow, wllw, c_art, frausorge, scintilla10, qkind, partypaprika, Snickfic, Sheliak, alamorn, wingsyouburn, Violsva, Loveotomy, Edonohana, thereinafter, CelestialArcadia, WolffyLuna, Darastrix, Pegasus143, mathildia, egelantier, roadsoftrial, Screaming_Towards_Apotheosis, Xylianna, ElAurian, nightcalling, ninety6tears, Enisy, Rebecca, mixtapestar, laughingpineapple, Cimila, and 25 more users as well as 2 guests left kudos on this work!