Work Text:
My pieces for the MXTX Big Bang!
Our writer needed to drop out, but they have been so supportive in giving direction for how they imagined scenes, and it has been an absolute joy to read their work!
(See the end of the work for notes.)
Thank you Toshi for the time and effort you spent writing, for creating scenes that immediately conjured such a vivid image in my head I had to draw them! It's been a pleasure working with you.
If you wanna see more art you can find me @jaegerbox on twitter!
nessastraioto, Cant_get_sleep, slightlyeccentric, anitita88useche, magewisper, AlpacaFelice, missblack825, Julie8815, concinnity, Walburg, desiccations, TheAnonymousReaderOfNowhere, Madgurl111, Anxlo, RainbowYarn, Jiman, EnderWiggin24, Sapphiee, Spacek, Azurila_Ringbell, DevlinRay, sadvictorianorphandog, RoseRosieRose, Forestofglory, Saj_te_Gyuhyall, fluffysquibbles, Tat, tinycutefauna, EllsKay, Anqelaxx, and ryaswriting as well as 7 guests left kudos on this work!