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Vegeta - never forget who you are

Chapter 21: Win the Duell

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I don't know how long we slept in, but I woke up slowly, but I still have my eyes closed because my own Saiyan tail is poking me on the stomach, it's a mixture of caress and tickle.
But not only that. I now felt kisses on my stomach. I opened my eyes tiredly, but with a lecherous grin.
Do you like what you see? Piccolo grins at me. Can't you feel it? I can feel it. It seems I've won our little duel.
I look into his eyes. They shine at me as if I were something precious. Waves of happiness hit me. Yes, I can feel it myself, the newly created and still unknown AI in my body.
He kisses me tenderly. His hands do not leave my belly. But he has to share it with my tail. My tail is obviously protective and he is relentless. And he also wants to be close to my new belly dweller.
We've been training our strength in this regard for months. The most important thing for us has become getting our AI under control. Now it's even harder for me. Because my belly dweller is constantly kicking and has AI fluctuations.
Piccolo hasn't had these problems since mating. He seals himself off completely. Or sets his AI to a measured value. And he stays that way. Whether he's fighting or doing other things, his AI is relaxed and in a good mood
Well, I'm a bit envious and sulk more in my meditation.
My mate lets me sulk. But he takes good care of me, even though I've become a bit low-maintenance since we've been bonded. I no longer need my food so much. Often only water is enough for me now.

My eating behaviour had already changed before the pregnancy. Drinking instead of eating was usually enough for me even before pregnancy. My morning sickness was also limited. Because I didn't have to eat much. The water was enough for me. And it didn't cause any nausea. So it's actually my favourite at the moment.
Time is flying by and I'm slowly realising that this time is passing far too quickly. And my biggest task is still to get my body under control.

- A little time jump -
1 month has passed and I'm still frustrated that I still can't fully control my AI fluctuations. So I swallowed my usual pride and asked my mate Piccolo for help, and he showed me how to better control my child's AI.
Piccolo just grinned. Gave me a kiss on the forehead to reassure me and went into the kitchen. Because since we've been mated, he has to eat more. But he can go longer without it anyway. He does it, he now believes, more for the pleasure of it. Because he now also enjoys good food.

The last month began ...