Chapter Text
Hello everyone! I'm a bit sad to say that we've reached the end of this fic for now. It has done what I meant it to do and gotten me back into continuing my other ongoing fic projects, which I will hopefully start posting within the week. I'm so happy that you guys enjoyed this format (your comments were the highlight of my day), but I think I'm done with this one for now. I might continue it in the future and get some more chapters in, but that probably won't be for a while.
Thank you so much to all of you who followed along on this little journey with me and I hope you have a wonderful day! Please enjoy this (final) chapter!
crime_without_punishment, FantastiCat, Yay49, balloyarn, Starlitwaters, rogersthemusical, nobutreallythough, SunshineWasHere, Ann_invisible, VampSlyr, readerAC, andyrock, natxliaromanova, Shia_san, baobabB612, yeeyee123, heymomimback, Annonnymious, Ali_loves_Usopp, Asthefirerises, slut4_rafecameron, mischiefdemigod, Ahern24, EphemeralWave, Skylight_Stardust22, Anotherperson669, Vir_Trice, oatmilkjayce, EachPeachPearPlum, loudmango, CaptainBeloved74, hry_dco, Gumiii, Brunettegirl1, Stony_Otp, ghostsushii, hobukoba, cinnamon_donut, kugelschreiber, imaginaryworld_2k14, skyeneithmoon, MistyTheDritten, Paradoxical_9, Gracie_mycat_isaqueen, lizajaneok, QueenMaeve, Kokonut_bunny, bayshark, Kingsland799, LarrysAllThat, and 622 more users as well as 263 guests left kudos on this work!